Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fair digging

We hit the fair last Friday. I hadn’t been in several years so it was fun to walk around. We took this shot to send to papa. He should have submitted some of his pictures - opportunity lost. We talked about how we never think to submit anything, but we should!

I grabbed Emma’s amazing spin that ended up saying “clean your room!” She was not happy about my picture taking, but so many times my subjects aren’t. 

We meandered our way through the exhibits and watched the pigs race. 

I can’t remember watching these races before, but with my memory I might have raised pigs for racing, who knows. One just never can tell with me. 

After about 2 hours Delaney told me she wasn’t feeling great. You known how after you’ve been sick you feel pretty okay, but if you overdo it you feel blah? That was her. Friday was warmer than it had been and she just needed some rest. Alecia offered to keep the big girls and I took Delaney and our giant bag of kettle corn home. 

For more of this. 

We dug after Matt got off on Friday and all day Saturday. 

And we got all the way to the sidewalk! We did such a better job on our second go round! We started at the shallowest end first and our grades were perfectly graded and we worked much more efficiently. Live and learn. 

We had the girls working in rotation again on Saturday- mostly raking up the dirt and rocks on the other side of the house. They dumped so many wheelbarrows full of dirt behind the shed where we’re raising our grade. 

We got our tube laid and covered to the halfway point, and the ditch dug the whole way down before it got dark. 

Or actually, before we came in, because we worked even after it was dark and had Frankie holding the flashlight for us. 

I can tell you that more than a week after this major dig, my hands are still going numb and feeling pins and needles often. Thankfully not waking me up anymore, though all last week I woke up to painful swelling hands, though they weren’t actually swollen, it was all internal. All of this to say that we did a lot of hard work and my little baby wrists were not happy about it. 

I also: 
  • Prepped for stake council
  • Polished my talk for the Bowie ward 
  • Finished packing 
  • Baked 6 dozen cookies from the frozen dough we’d made earlier in the week

Went to bed tired but satisfied! And with sad hands.