Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Blah diddy blah

Yesterday was a busy day! I was able to watch Lindsay's 4 kids as she returned to the temple after a long time away. It was also my kid swap day with Sarah, and since Maggie had been wanting to come play, we had her come to help with all the (10) kidlets. Also, Tracie came over for a 2 person presidency meeting to go over visiting teaching. We got as much done as we could, and Addie played with her eyebrows.
The kids got rowdy (several times) and at one point lanes got a shoulder to the cheek. These modern girls always request pictures of their injuries. So much easier than looking in a mirror.
I made my patented large kid crowd lunch - Kraft Mac and cheese. All 11 fed and happy, we went back downstairs to play. Baby Elizabeth is one of the easiest babies ever in the history of babes. And she likes horseback riding so she's cool too.
I was worried about watching all those kids and things getting crazy, but it was actually a really good day.

All said and done, I made rice and sausage for a quick and easy dinner. Rice = chopsticks.
For everyone.
Of course.
And then lanes decided she didn't want any more dinner, like she does at least 3 nights a week, and headed up to bed. Oh Laney-lanes.
Jodie picked Darlaina and I up and we headed to candice's house for a RS arm. It was a simple girls night and we ate Ben and Jerry's, it was great. Our ward has gotten soooo small, we're losing people all the time, and no one new is coming, and we really need to knit together and be unified. It was a nice bonding night.

I stayed up till midnight crunching PTA numbers. I had made a mistake and had to search literally everything to find it. When none of that worked, I prayed, and voila. There it was. Then it was jackie's birthday, so I stayed up till 3 to call her at midnight her (Arizona) time. These late summer nights are taking their toll on me and I was cranky today. I'm such a 2-year-old sometimes. 

We ran to the school, mckays for watermelon (for the potluck), and then to Elizabeth's for a potluck/PTA meeting. It was good and productive. then after Lauren and jill had to leave, Elizabeth and I let the girls swim. Everybody loves a water slide. 
It was such a muggy hot day, and the water was so nice. Not that I got in, but what was splashed on me was nice.
When we got home we were just gonna clean the girls rooms so I could do laundry. But that was a fiasco. The trial of all moms everywhere, my kids are slobs. They don't pick up after themselves and they leave messes like little tornados. I have really had the "messy house/happy kids" mentality this summer, but I just had to lay down the law today. After we picked up, everyone spent some time in their rooms and then had a long talking to before they came out. And everyone got banned from touching their dressers again. because we do that every few months when they get especially piglet'ish and try on a million outfits before deciding on that perfect combo of stripes on stripes, or leggings with pretty much anything. Oh these crazy ladies. 

I took Matt to get his mri tonight. He said of all the days in the last 3 weeks of near debilitating pain, today was a little better. That's good news, and I'm hoping we're on the up and up now. Hopefully the mri shows that it's not a big deal. That had added to my general grumpiness. I'm feeling bad that Matt's not doing well, and also missing how helpful he always is. We need our daddy back to full health. 

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