Sunday, March 28, 2021


We celebrated Frankie’s birthday breakfast with yummy donuts. 

We spent all morning at the Children’s Museum with Lu and Carter this time, and this was the one picture I took. 

Frankie requested Panda Express for lunch and then we watched a movie and played outside at Lexi’s. Delaney and Addie gave her their gifts throughout the day and it was very low key. 

I made goulash for dinner plus some to freeze because lexi loves it. And we sent this to auntie Alli because Carter loves his lovey. 

Delaney was like, did someone say lovey? Hers is so torn up and she picks at it now, it’s pretty beat up. 

This guy! 😍😍😍 Lu and I weighed him and he weighs 13.8 lbs at 6 weeks. He’s so squishy and sweet. 

We spent our whole last few days loving on the boys. We pretty much did that the whole time, but especially the last few days. And poor addies allergies never did let up. 

Emmett loves holding Carter and Carter is such a good baby!

We organized and started our laundry Wednesday night. We didn’t leave till 2:45 on Thursday, but I was glad I got a head start on packing. 

Lu had her 6 week check up and we stripped all the sheets and washed all the towels. We finished every thing by noon and then ate lunch and cuddled babes some more. 

I cried when I laid Em down for his nap. I mess them so much already, it’s so hard being so far away. 

But what a fun covid surprise to be able to spend 3 weeks with them in the middle of March. We never could have done it without the blessing of homeschool and zoom, and it really was a blessing. 

Everybody got pictures with the boys. 

We love them so!

Carter was SO patient this whole photo shoot. He isn’t always this patient, but he must have known it was important to us. 

That belly. I die. 

My 4 girls. And Delaney will stop making that race someday. I hope. 

They are so fun and it will only get better as they get older and our trips and girl time is more fun. We’ve got lots of plans these girls and I!

Too soon it was time to say goodbye at the airport. Lexi told me she didn’t expect to be so sad after we left, and I felt the same way. 

Great Falls has the cutest airport. 
It’s like a little lodge and they even have a fireplace and recliners. 

We talked about going to Yellowstone or somewhere fun, but in the end it was more important to stay home with Lex and Carter. 

5 little gates, that’s all GF’s has. 

Our flight was delayed about 45 minutes. We finished our book, Out of My Mind, about a girl born with cerebral palsy. It was very insightful and educational and I loved reading and talking about it with the girls. I sat with my buddy again. Everyone wanted to sit by me, but being the baby won out.  

These good traveling girls on our tiny airplane to Denver. 

In Denver I had to switch seats with someone so I could sit with D, and then addie and Frankie moved to an empty row, so we sat together on all 4 flights. Our flight from Denver to Dulles was turbulent, but we landed safely and that’s all that matters. Matt picked us up and we talked the whole way home. We rolled up after 2, and then slept in till 10:30, at least the girls and I did, Matt went to work. 

When he got home Frankie opened her gift from us, a new skateboard. 

She was so excited!

It was such a beautiful day. Addie went to the library and Matt and Delaney flew our kite at the green. The rest of us decided to walk to papa’s, but first walked to pick up the whole crew. Addie looked so grown up. 

Delaney was thrilled to be reunited with T-baby. 🙄 papa bought Ledo’s for the crew and we came to our house to enjoy pizza and Jackbox. 

Saturday morning Matt and Frankie went to the skatepark. 

She loved it and can’t wait to go back!

The rest of the day was blah. We crossed some wires even though we tried not to and didn’t end up doing much. Not my favorite. 

Today we had Stake Council at 7 and then our first ever Adult Leadership Committee Meeting at 8. My presidency trained in ministering interviews and it went really well, a lot of good discussion. Then Zoom sacrament meeting. It was our turn for in person but since I had meetings I asked to switch. Sunday School, ministering, then my monthly meeting with President Boyd. All good things. Matt made lamb chops for dinner and a pudding fluff for dessert and both were tasty. I’m not crazy about lamb and it’s so expensive that I’d rather do chicken, but he really wanted to try it and it was good. We watched President Nelson’s Easter message and then got captivated by a few more Mormon Messages. We talked about Palm Sunday and Easter week. Saturday was blah but the sabbath was a delight. 

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