Sunday, March 7, 2021

Day #357 and #358

Emmett’s been having trouble sleeping. He’s been crying a lot in the night and waking up really early. On Saturday he was up before 6, so I kept him and fed him so L&C could sleep in a bit. And Em likes putting things on his head. 😂

These boys are so cute, and so much work! By 9am I had already changed 4 diapers, 1 #1 and 1 #2 for each boy. 

Emmett still loves to eat. He always wants to share with Delaney but she doesn’t like sharing. 😩

We took Emmett out for an adventure. But first Target. When we packed for our trip we discovered Laney’s tennis shoes were too small. I had another pair that fit her, but it didn’t have shoelaces, so we had to pick some up.

Emmett is a fun and silly little 1-year-old!

Running to Mimi. 💕

I looked up beat hikes in Great Falls and most of them are on the river. So we drove to a section we’d never been on called Caboose Trail. 

It was a beautiful day in the 50°‘s. 

Most of the river was frozen and the girls loved throwing rocks and watching them bounce off the ice. Addie is the only one that got her rock through the ice. 

Emmett tripped around 8 times with varying degrees of drama. I tried to let him walk as often as possible to tire him out. 

The girls ran ahead and climbed the side of this hill and I was like, nope. I’m not the parent to do dangerous things with, especially when it comes to heights. They were was up past the top of the picture before I managed to get my camera out. 

The Great Falls behind Frankie. 

And Big Sky Country behind Addie. 

And D. 

My silly walking buddy. 

He found this puddle where snow had just melted and stood in it, ran towards me, then back to his puddle. And repeat several times. 

We picked up lunch and got Emmett down. Lex, Cade, and Carter went to lunch on a patio because it was so nice, then home for more baby snuggles. 

We played more Jackbox and Delaney called Lexi’s friend Courtney and invited her over. D loves her. After she and josh left, we played Pictionary, where Frankie and I were the comeback kids and somehow ended up winning. Addie took some artistic pictures of the game. 

Emmett woke up early again today, so I got the girls up and we watched our Zoom Sacrament meeting. 9:00 Maryland time equals 7:00 Montana time and our times are all mixed up. Then when Carter woke up, we did more of this. 

We went to our Sunday School classes at 11. And cuddle CarCar. 

The girls took Emmett to the park, twice. They are doing a wonderful job of being supportive helpers. They also played on the iPad. 

We made homemade taquitos and Lexi’s fav rice for dinner and watched the Harry and Meaghan interview - wowza. 

And finally, I found the perfect table for Addie, who is always reading several books at a time. 

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