Sunday, July 9, 2017

Floods and cuddles

Thursday morning we woke up to craaazy rain. We got 2 phone calls and a text alert about flash flooding. There was flooding all over the county, it was wild. 

We were hosting Sarah's food party and Isla's cuddle party that night, so we cleaned and listened to HP. I am loving sharing this literary experience with my girls. And we are flying through them with all of the driving we've been doing. We decided to listen to the cd book and then watch the movie. Delaney is listening and loving them too, but there are a lot of abstract things to imagine and I think it's helped them to watch each movie as we've finished. And it's been cool to compare the movie with the book still so fresh. Plus, I haven't read them or seen the movies in many years. All good things!

We got everything ship shape and headed out for some errands. First stop, library! We ran into several friends and D got her first award, since last time when matt took them she told him she didn't want a medal. Crazy girl. 

We hit a few more stores and then home for some baking. I made chocolate zucchini bread, chocolate chip cookies, slush punch, and dinner for my crew. We put the girls to bed and then it was girls night! My girls were so excited and helped me decorate and begged to get to come. I guess I haven't hosted any parties lately and they were all abuzz. F and D only came down once and A not at all, so it was all good. 

We took turns with babies and ate and visited. Everyone left by 2, so it was a relatively early girls night for us. And the best part was that I just walked upstairs to bed, no creepy drive home for me. Not too shabby! 

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