Thursday, July 20, 2017

Adventure day - Gunpowder Falls

We finally made it out to the second Gunpowder Falls State Park. The trail ran parallel to the river and it was not spectacular. 

We walked a ways down the trail, hoping it would get better. 

These were not the Falls we thought we'd find. We were all supposed to be doing our "say what?" faces, but only half of us got the memo. 

We came upon these amazing trees that were seriously begging to be climbed. The slope was perfect for scuttling up, and they extended out across the river. The trees were too slick for the kids water shoes, but they were still awesome. 

There was also this cool tree with a hole in it. Loving franks with her goggles and snorkel, and D with her Y shaped stick. 

We ran into a few groups of people coming in the opposite direction, so we finally asked a nice looking couple. They didn't know about any falls. Not promising. 

And most of the people, like, all but 2, were men. Groups of 2, 3, and finally 4 men. That made us feel weird. The 4 guys looked young and had towels, so I asked them about falls. They didn't seem to know of any either, but did say there was a fun swimming spot called Pot Rocks. They told us about how far it was and I said something like "ok, see you at Pot Rocks! We know just what the cool kids call it." And then we laughed and one of them said, "it really is called that though." And then we all laughed again. Maybe you had to be there. 

Anyhow, we weren't sure we should keep going. It was getting closer to 7:00 and we'd been gone a long time and still mostly men were heading back. We took a vote. The big kids were ready to head back. The 4 little girls all surprisingly voted to keep going. So we did. It was a nice day and it was a pretty and interesting walk. After about 20 more minutes of walking we came upon our Pot Rocks sign! We still thought it was really funny, so Laura and I grabbed our D's and got a picture. 

And Pot Rocks was awesome! Everyone was stoked!

First of all, it was beautiful! The rocks were smooth and the watery flowed over them so prettily. There were lots of people (including women and children, yay!) swimming around, jumping in and exploring the rocks. 

This chic fell. Those rocks were pretty, but slick. Lanes and I were the only 2 that fell. Yup, me and the 5-year-old. 😂

The water was a lot cooler than at the beach and it was also clear. Same river, but SO different! 

The sun was going down and it was breathtaking. 

It also meant that we had to go. We did not want to be out on the wooded trail with all of our male friends after dark. All the kids, mc, Aina, and Ray, asked to come back again tomorrow. I'd say that's a good time!

Laney said she was a little old lady and hunched over walking with a cane. She's hilarious!

We had about a 30 minute walk back to our car, and miracle of miracles, no one complained! Not even Delaney, whose feet perpetually hurt when there's walking to be done. Everyone was happy and hustled, and it was awesome!

We missed our turn back to our parking lot, but happy accident, we came upon this cool tunnel. Daniel had the idea to take a solo pic at the end of the tunnel, so then everyone had to. 

D decided to go into the tunnel after everyone else. She marches to her own drum. Always. 

And another one. 

And another. 

Calling it a day. A good day. 

Woot, woot! Fun mommas!

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