Saturday, May 28, 2016

More days of our lives

Since we had family napping hour I'm not sleepy. (:

Addie had her spring recital a few weeks ago. (Feels like I already blogged this, but I'm not finding it, so...) Admittedly, we have been pretty lax with the piano playing of late. She knew her pieces pretty well, but on recital day it kind of fell apart. She had her fingers on the wrong keys, so even though she was playing it right, it was totally off. She struggled through, knowing it wasn't right, and then decided to just do it all again and try to do it right. She did that smoothly, but then got on the wrong keys again. We were proud of her that she kept going and didn't let it get her upset. I know she was embarrassed, but we praised her efforts and talked about how she could have worked harder and practiced more.
Sweet little/big girl.
One day our playgroup went out to Shlagel Farms to pick strawberries. Haha.
It's rained so much that the berries weren't great, but we did manage to get a few pounds.
It was freezing and windy! So difference from last year when it was so warm!
I tried to get a pic of her and Adam, but he was playing hard to get.
We played for awhile and then headed over to Cafe Rio.
But first, group pictures! So many girls!
Delaney was being weird on the playground and decided to remove herself to eat some berries near the truck.
Works for me. If you are grumpy, I fully support a self imposed time out.
She loved the berries! When we got home she wanted to sit outside and keep eating. I can dig it.
And the gang at cafe rio. The wind had blown the wrong way and d was mad about something. It's always something!
Chris worked on this cute poster for brenna. Her team made it to states, where they sadly lost. But that's impressive to make it that far!
A few more of these happy days. 

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