This will always be the ghost lighthouse to my girls. The volunteer on the porch even told them a few ghost stories. They loved it!
We went in and the girls headed straight to the top. Even though it was overcast, we had a nice view of Point No Point light in the Chesapeake, and vof Virginia across the Potomac.
These two were not great that day. They tease each other and argue a lot.
It's pretty aggravating. :/
They all had fun with the props from the lighthouse challenge.
Laura and I participated in this one 2 years ago, it was so fun.
Everybody had to take a turn.
He's such a poor, dilapidated old thing. Still so handsome though, don't you think?
the girls had fun running around and checking out the cacti all around the yard.

trying to get a good picture of Delaney is always an adventure.

then the models got busy.
they took turns nicely.
full light.
they are such a trip with their poses!
I don't know where they come up with this stuff?
little sistah wanted in on that action.
and little sistah needs to get with the program.
so goofy.
after the lighthouse fun, we had some puddle fun.
warning: I am officially addicted to rain coats, boots, and rain/puddle pictures. I always have been.the water was not what one would call clean, but really, whatever.

I've been getting all anxious about them going back to school, i'm just not ready. then I broke out the calendar and realized that we've only been out of school 3 1/2 weeks and we have another 5 1/2 weeks of summer. then I felt better.
and I am so happy that, at least for now, the 3 littles love lighthouses. :)
such a funny little frog.
she hopped back and forth for a good 10 minutes.
that's a good quad workout!
after she was done we dumped at least 2 cups of water out of each boot.
the big girls ran around climbing on rocks and hunting bugs.sarah took ellie potty and adeline stayed with me. she's learning to love me. :) I figured out a way to trap her and keep her happy by putting her on a short, flat rock. she thought she was hot stuff.
speaking of hot stuff...
and again...
after our lighthouse and puddle fun, we still needed to get our passport rubbing. we found it was in the nature center in one of the camping areas. I've been to point lookout several times, but never checked out the nature center. it was really cool!
the girls had fun playing in the "boat."
addie did some crabbing.
and so did lanes.
ellie drove the boat for her.
loving that devious face. :)
we checked out the fish, frogs, and snakes, played dress up and explored the "resort," and read all about the sordid history of our cute point lookout state park.
we had talked about swimming, but the high for Saturday was only 75°, so then we thought maybe not. then the girls were like "let's swim!" so we were like, "meh, ok." that swim trip was a first for me. I didn't even put my suit on. it is pretty glorious to be able to take kids to the pool and not even have to squeeze into a swim suit. :) we stayed two hours, laney stepped on a bee, we showered all the girls, and then it was bedtime. daddy did bedtime duty so I could coupon at cvs. it was another awesome summer day.
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