Monday, July 6, 2015

wednesday, thursday, and friday

on Tuesday, lexi watched the girls while I went to my awesome dental appt.
when I came home, they'd taught Frankie the whip/nae nae dance.

she was pretty cute and super proud of herself.

now i'm wondering if she should take a hip hop/jazz class... we'll see.


and some stanky leg. the joys of having two teenage siblings.

on Wednesday, Sydney brought her little brother and sister over to swim. she and lexi decided it would be a big sisters/sibling day - sweet! they took all 5 kids for about 2 hours, then brought Delaney and syd's sibs home, and chris, who was babysitting a couple kids at the pool, and brenna kept Frankie and Delaney.

Sydney and alexis did an art project on the deck while I put a movie on for the rest of the gang. :)
that night, sarah and I took the kiddos up to the charlotte hall library for a program about lighthouse keepers. Delaney fell asleep on the way, and to prove how tired she really was, she stayed asleep for a good 15-20 minutes after we got out.
the program was not good. the presenter was bor-to-the-ing and the poor kids just couldn't get into it. you win some, you lose some.
since we were so close, we decided to hit rita's for some ice cream. every time we get ice cream I think of how many gallons I could buy at the grocery store! it's crazy expensive, so we keep it as a special treat.
trying to get these 3 to pose and they were too busy. after their momma's heart.
it was a nice night to have an outing while daddy and bubba were at scouts.
she's so cute. :)
another busy eater.
and the biggest little sister.
matt was able to be off on Thursday since the 4th fell on a Saturday this year. he went out for an early bike ride, and then I wanted to go for a run. but then I got caught up making breakfast and setting kids up with jobs, etc, that it started raining before I could go. matt said it was just going to stay a light drizzle, and at one point it stopped, totally, so I gambled and headed out. I got around the corner and a few houses down before it started to really pour. I ran home but was still soaking. when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right?! I came inside and shouted "who wants to play in the rain?" and everyone did. we splashed in puddles, ran, tasted the rain, and got super soaked. we were going to take lemonade to the mowers who were huddled across the street waiting out the rain, but they headed out before we could take it to them. so then we drank our lemonade that we'd made with our lemons. :)
it's the way we like to play.
addie has been earning allowance for practicing piano and other chores, but she's never really shown any interest in money. I've found it laying around and in laney's room, so I wanted to show her how fun money can be. so I took my best 7-year-old and we headed out to run errands. we hit target, the commissary, and then michaels. she bought a water shooter, and a large and small wubble (looks like a bubble, plays like a ball!) that she's been eyeing for awhile. pretty sure she's hooked and I will no longer be finding money in Delaney's room. she's been practicing piano diligently all summer. she got through a page and a line of beauty and the beast with sister nelson, and we've got a plan to surprise her by addie knowing the whole song by the time she goes back for lessons. then addie will be like "well, I haven't practiced much this summer..." and then, bam! mastered the whole piece. it's a pretty solid plan.
that night we had the missionaries over for a Mexican feast. they are such sweet boys, we always love having them in our home.

on Friday, matt and I got up early and went for a bike ride. he's been riding down cedar lane and wanted to show me. we're planning another ride where I take him down all the places I used to ride on macintosh. it was great! whenever I leave in the morning (bubba is home) and the girls are still asleep, I leave cartoons on for them so they just come down and watch a show until we get home. I was putting my bike into the shed and peeked into the window. this little cutie was the only one awake and she came to the window to say hi to me. :)
big girl watching a show all by herself.
matt worked on fixing our edger and mowing our lawn while I got right to work on 4th of july prep. I made chocolate chip cookies (with my helpers), Asian chicken salad, cabbage salad, carrots, celery, cucumbers and ranch, froze gogurts and capri suns, portioned out mayo and cheese, and prepped the canopy, chairs, cooler, etc. having fun can be a lot of work.

at 4:30, kim came over and we headed out to dinner at stoney's kingfisher on solomons island. it was soooo yummy! amazing crab dip, delicious salad, and pretty good cream of crab soup. when both matt and I tasted the soup, we thought, Christmas! I think it had nutmeg in it, or cloves or something Christmassy.

at 6:30, our concert started. I got matt tickets to the barenaked ladies/violent femmes concert for his birthday and Friday was finally the night. I have to admit that I was not super excited to go. i'm not familiar with either of those bands, I couldn't have told you any of their songs, and i'm not a huge fan of them even still. but they put on a really good show! barenaked ladies were hilarious! and amazingly quick and talented. they'd make up a song on the spot, it was great.

Collin hay (of men at work fame) opened, but sadly we missed most of his part. next up was the violent femmes, who were pretty fun.
I told laura I was buying tickets for matt and she was like we'll go too, so it was a double date! that night we found out that half our neighborhood, and tons of others we knew from smc were there.

Laura Held-McCombs's photo.
the barenaked ladies were really fun!
they'd gone for a walk on solomons and tweeted this picture.
then they joked about the BARF kids all night, it was really funny.
meanwhile, back at the ranch, the fire squad came to hose the kids off in the LG!
Katie took the kids up to get soaked, and darlaina sent me these pics.
glad they could have fun too, cause we sure did.
date nights are so fun and so very necessary. I wish I would remember that and be better about it.

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