We slept well last night and got up for seminary. Lu and crew left around 6:30 since Damian is back to work tomorrow. Delaney didn’t feel well so she stayed home. We took naps and unpacked and went shopping in preparation for a national day of no spending tomorrow.
Jeanne came over and we cried together and gave hugs and talked about life and death and motherhood. I’m so sad for her, and praying so hard for the whole family. Matt and I talked to Christian too and counseled with him about how to be the best support person for her. Thankfully we’ve got a pretty clear weekend to help them if needed. It feels like we’ve had a lot of loss the past few years. Lots of angels looking out for us.
Tonight I had a General Relief Society training that was supposed to be with Kristen Yee, but she wasn’t able to make it so we got two members of the advisory board. It was actually a really good training and got my mind going with some ideas. I love the Relief Society and the gospel and the Savior.
We brought some Hawai’i back home and had Hawaiian haystacks for dinner. Just kidding, I know there’s nothing Hawaiian about them, it’s just that Lexi had defrosted the sauce but didn’t use it. It’s good to be home, but driving in southern Maryland on a bleak midwinter day is a whole lot different than driving through Hawaii on a bleak midwinter day.
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