Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Happy birthday to bubba!

Matt and I had a row to ourselves and i laid down and slept the whole 3 hour flight to BWI. I even stretch completely over Matt’s lap, it was great. Damian picked us up and we made it home by 5. A quick pizza order and then the girls went to the Hendersons for a rock wall climbing session. The girls love to do that! I got to cuddle with this babe and he’s delicious and makes it easier to come home. 

Today is bubbas 27th birthday and he’s alone in Alabama for it. He’s had a couple real lame birthdays lately, sometimes adulting is tough. 

We love this guy! So grateful to have this one son in our lives!

We cuddled and shared pictures and told stories and gave gifts. We played a quick game of Skull King and off to bed. Matt managed to stay awake till 9 and it’s almost 11 for me now. Here’s to no jet lag!

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