Monday, June 6, 2022


Adi-cakes turned 14 on Friday. Matt was working in DC that day and she babysat Thursday night, so we gave her her gift on Thursday. 

I wrapped 3 boxes and put them inside each other, and then Alexis called her brand new phone!

We couldn’t hear it till she got to the second box. And it’s actually not a brand new phone, it was my momma’s. It came home with me for some reason, and it’s just been sitting around. I checked with the sibs and they all said to go for it, and it’s been working beautifully. And I think it would make my mom happy. Adi was so thrilled, and Delaney and Frankie started dancing around because they think they’ll get a phone at 14 too. We’ll see!

On Friday I picked adi up early and we got birthday pedicures. Mine hurt! She went wild on my toenails and then also #oldladyfoot. 😩

She had a few more gifts on Friday and then we got Oga’s and had Better-than-Shopping-Cake. 

Adi is a one of a kind girl. Her teachers love her. She’s responsible and kind and tries to be a peacemaker. 

We’ve got 4 more years with our girl and we want to make the most of it. We’re so lucky to have adi in our family!

And she’s being very good and respectful with her phone. At one point on her birthday she had 15 messages and she’d left her phone in the nook. I had to encourage her to answer her texts. 🤷‍♀️

We set up some limits and restrictions and we’re working on a contract. It makes me sooooo nervous, not because I don’t trust her, but because I want to protect her. Here’s to letting her sweat in our home before she has to sweat on the battlefield. 

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