Wednesday, June 1, 2022

10 more days

Frankie stayed home from school yesterday. She had a headache and we’re all just ready for summer. 🤗 For home evening we caught up on the Stake Primary childrens videos Grace made, and we got to see Frankie. She talked about how anxiety goes away in the temple because it’s so peaceful. It was really sweet and from the heart. We’ve loved watching members of our stake each week. 

For our activity we finished up our Hawaiian mystery papa got us. We used our clues to make sure our answers were correct (they were) and then after I read the directions again we finally figured out the magic phrase. (Adi’s awesome!)

It was fun to work together and think outside of the box. 

Today Adi and Frankie had at home school because of the high school graduation. It will be awesome to have graduation outside if they can include more family members attending. It was fun to have the big girls home! I worked on my talk and did the regular housie stuff. 

The YW decorated cupcakes so Adi made some to share. The girls and I ran errands and went to ju jitsu, and I talked to Chantel while I waited. Then I spent an hour and a half ordering my end of school staff appreciation goodies - lemonade and iced tea from Chicfila and bagels from Panera.  The girls are excited to read about Deborah this week, we always like a hero that looks like us. 

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