Monday, August 31, 2020

Day #168-169

We went to run errands Saturday morning. We were going to go to Sally’s for Frankie’s hair color. She made a deal with Alli that if she took care of her hair everyday for 2 weeks, she could do a temporary hair color. She did it, so it’s not my fav, but here we are. 

Anyways, then we decided to stop by Joann’s and pick up material to make the new baby a lovey, then we decided to stop by Wally for milk, then for gas, then to the dollar tree. We ended up stocking up at Wally on several things Aldi doesn’t carry. Frankie got to come so she could pick her hair color, and at one point she said it was the best day ever. Alli and Frankie decided they needed these cool mermaid and unicorn jello kits. 

They got right to work when we got home.

Delaney’s new concentration face. You’ll see this again. 

Em continues to be the cutest. 13 months is not my favorite age, he wants to get into everything, but is really a hot mess. But he’s a good hugger, loves to be held, and will go to anyone. He’s pretty great!

Papa came over and said “let’s get ice cream!” and we were off! Breusters gives a free mini cone for littles, and Emmi went to town. 

He was dominating that cone. 

It was hot and the ice cream was sups melty!

I love the piece of cone on his nose. Lexi tried to take it away before he was done and he was not having it. Even as he ate his, Frankie gave him some of hers and he was all over that too. He’s such a good little eater. 

The Streeter’s gave us a mini vanity before they moved. It’s stool had a busted leg, and just a little bit later one of the vanity legs broke, and then another. It’s probs an easy fix, but with everything else going on, we just never fixed it. We’d moved it to D’s room to see how it would look and she was so excited to get it fixed! A neighbor posted a small vanity and armoire for pretty cheap and I jumped on it. Lexi and I picked it up while D played outside and got it up to her room without her seeing. Her face when she saw it was priceless! 

She loves it so much! Yay for hand me downs. 

Frankie finally got her hair did. She loves it. 

And in bubba news! Old Gideon is 23 years old and going strong!

Remember Delaney’s concentrating face? 😂 love her. 

After church meetings on Sunday we headed out to Leonardtown square for papa’s birthday scavenger hunt. It was the only day we could all make it work. It was nice and cool and we had such a great time!

Alli and I came up with 20 categories and then divided up into teams. It was Matt and I, Lex, Chris, and Frankie, papa and Addie, and Delaney, tenkor, and Alli. Em went from Lu’s team to our team when we passed them coming up the hill. 

Team Crabknocker coming down the road. 

Christian hammed it up for papa. That mustache. 🤦‍♀️ 

We all sent alli all 20 of our shots, labeled with the correct category, then she posted them all on fb, tagged us all, and our wonderful friends voted by liking or commenting on their choice for the winner. It was really fun and different and spending time with family is the best!

I’d made cole slaw and bbq sauce and thrown a pork shoulder in the instant pot that morning, and by the time I finished ward council, it was good and tender. Alli cut up a watermelon and we shredded up the meat and it was a delish dinner. Pulled pork is one of my favs. 

I had a stake welfare meeting that evening and I had to get in zoom with my phone because we’d been FaceTime’ing our mom. Delaney had followed me up to my room as I logged in and was telling me all her little sisterly woes, when Brother Christiansen said “Sister Ray, will you please mute yourself?” 🤦‍♀️ I didn’t know zoom on my phone automatically logged on unmuted. At least it wasn’t anything bad. 🤷‍♀️ 

Lu had been wanting me to watch Peanut Butter Falcon, so after the girlsies went to bed, we finally got to watch it and it was really really sweet. 

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