Thursday, August 6, 2020

Day #144

For her YW activity tonight addie made a vision board. She wants to be a counselor, eat healthy, read the scriptures, get lots of rest, serve people, spend time with family, and go to the temple. She could have done a better job, but perfect is the enemy of done. 

Addie had her checkup today. She was so excited about it for some reason. She said she was excited about mom time. I need to get back to taking them out by themselves regularly. She’s in the 70% for height and 51% for weight. She’s 6 lbs from being able to sit in the front seat, and she’s a girl in a mission. We met the nurse practitioner and she was fabulous. 

Frankie made a birthday card for her friend who’s family has Covid. It took her around 3 hours and approximately 178 reminders. That’s kind of how our day went. After around 12 hours to get out the door, we finally headed out to pick up a few goodies to drop off for the birthday boy, but then I remembered we’d left the long worked for card, and also that Delaney didn’t have shoes. You can’t make this stuff up. It was one of those days, so Alli suggested she take the girls solo and I stay home. 3 adults for 3 kids is where it’s at. I cleaned and made dinner and it was quiet and wonderful. 

I also hung my new lighthouse wreath from momma Debby. It’s a perfect addition to my lighthouse wall and i love it. 😍

I made a way too spicy red curry for dinner and then we watched the new Dora movie. That reminds me of being in Montana when Emmi was born because that’s when I took the girls to see it. We miss those Montan’ens. 

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