Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day #46

I can’t remember if I shared a pic of the adorable bunnies Delaney made for Addie and Frankie for Easter. She came up with this all by herself.

My favorite part it the tail. She cut some old church socks and glued it on. She’s still a baby genius. 

Another rainy rainy day. I’ve noticed I haven’t taken many pictures lately, so I took some of our mundane tasks. Petticoats with robe on top was Delaney’s outfit for the morn. 

Rotating through their daily tasks. Frankie is perfecting Hedwig’sTheme. 

These girls are getting pretty good at online school. 

We got lunch in the pouring rain. I thought there might be less people there, but there were still lots. I guess a lot of people look forward to picking up lunch. Frankie worked through her headache to tutor. As a frivolous side note , I so wish we’d gotten our upstairs carpet replaced before this mess. Who knows when we’ll be able to do it now now. 

It’s National Oatmeal Cookie Day, so this sweet chef hook e us up. 

We’re working on the Aina’s HP puzzle and it’s a toughie. 

Around sunset the rain stopped and it was beautiful. One of our neighbors shared this. It’s always beautiful after the rain. 

Bubba brought us home a ton of shrimp so I made a creamy sauce for it and the non shrimpers (A&D) ate the leftover baked potatoes. I’ve tried to stop writing about food; but it’s so important to me. 🤷‍♀️

We read about Zeniff and his mistakes and then his humility and how he prepared his people and then they had the power of the Lord. I have been thinking about the beginnings of quarantine, those first weeks of March. We’d received instructions from our stake leadership about preparing for what might be coming. Bishop Darrow asked Tim and I to share with our organizations in whatever way we felt best. Tim and I decided to read the directions word for word. It talked about possible closures and encouraged members to prepare with medications, food, etc. At the time, it felt very alarmist and maybe even scary. After, I was asked by several people to share online what I’d read in Relief Society. It felt presumptuous to take the lead on this, but I felt like the ward should be prepared. I talked to Bishop and he said if I felt like I should share it, to go for it. I posted on fb and also thought I should email it. And then I questioned myself a million times. Was I overreacting? I’ve been known to do that. Everything was still very uncertain, maybe things wouldn’t close down at all. I shared it anyway, followed the recommendations myself, and here we are. 46 days later and things are still uncertain. But if we are prepared we shall not fear. 

Matt and Christian changed the grinder pump today. It exploded with water at one point, but they both assured me it was clean water, and now it’s fixed. I so hope and pray they are right. Also, the jolly green started on its own today. If throngs would stop breaking down we could make some progress for some fun things. 

We watched a few funny vids and put the little girls to bed. 

My fav moment of the day - the Finlayson’s took us up on our Tik Tok challenge and it was everything. 

And another “So we don’t forget...”

Today is Thursday, April 30, 2020.

- We are at 47 days of social isolation.

- Schools have been closed since mid March and are teaching remotely online. This will continue for the rest of the school year. (Except in Maryland they’ll let us know by May 15)

- Non-essential stores have been closed since late March.

- There are lines/tape inside the stores to keep people 6 feet apart.

- Bars and restaurants are only open for home delivery and pick-up.

- Parks, beaches, and walk-in places are not accessible to the public at this time.

- All sports competitions have been cancelled.

- All festivals and entertainment events have been banned.

- Many weddings, family celebrations, and birthdays have been cancelled. Funerals limited to 10-20 people.

-Zoom, which was a business application, is being widely used by everyone to gather groups of people virtually. Socializing, funerals, weddings, and religious activities are being scheduled on Zoom.

- People are doing drive-by parades to celebrate birthdays!🎉

- Young kids can’t understand why they can only see grandparents and other extended family and friends on a screen or thru a window if someone visits in person.  

- Hugs and kisses are not given.

-Airplanes are flying, but the majority of flights are canceled and there are only a handful of people per flight. 

- The churches are closed or online.

- We have to stay away from each other with a recommended 6-feet between us.

- There is a shortage of masks and gloves in hospitals.

- There are fewer ventilators than there should be.

- People are wearing masks and some places even REQUIRE that you wear them to enter. People are making their own masks for sale or donation to medical facilities!

- Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and anything Lysol or Clorox is in short supply and limited per person...IF you can even find them.

- Flour and yeast are also nearly impossible to find.

- Stores are closing early to disinfect everything.  (24 hour stores are even closing by 9pm)

- Store check outs, pharmacies, and fast food drive-thru windows have added plexiglass between the employee and customer. You have to reach around or under to pay!

- You can't find isopropyl alcohol per person is limited.

- Australia, USA, and Europe have closed their borders.

- Western Australia has been divided into 9 territories and an instant $1,500 fine is issued for crossing the border without a valid reason. (Transport workers, Essential services, etc)
- No one is traveling for leisure. Airports are empty. Tourism has the worst crisis in history.

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