Wednesday, April 29, 2020

California 2019

The Facebook tour continues. We spent some time in the game room.

Sandy and I had a dance off. 

It was a battle royals, let me tell ya. 

The kids were living large. So much of their best lives going on. 

And then... it was lunchtime. Lunchtime at Facebook is magical. Anything you could think of - hamburgers, Mexican, salads - and like, good salads with all the toppings, pizza, and then fun ethnic creations. The chefs really get into it. 

And the drinks! All the fountain, bottles, cans, juices, waters. Amy and I even did vinegar shots, that will wake you right up. And it’s all free. So amazing. 


Precious angels, app of them. 

And then the desserts. Ice cream shops with cookies and other fun concoctions. That pyramid thing was heavenly. 

This picture reminds me of Matt’s awful dad joke where he talked about all night hackathons for what felt like 80 all night hackathons. 

We checked out the rooftop gardens. Amy and my kids were super big for their britches because they knew all these places that were new to the Texas cousins. 

We walked and walked and it was so fun with so many of our peeps. 

Mi familia. 

Oh Redwood City and your perfect weather. 

On our way to and from our cars we took up a whole shuttle. 

Serious silliness. 

Amy has the best backyard. We spent loads of time back there. 

The kids all got along soooo well. It was such a nice change from the challenges of the year before. 

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