Friday, July 1, 2016

Walnut Grove

Next up was the little Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove. We shopped the gift shop and got tons of good information from the lady there, but decided not to go through the actual museum. We love these picture posing things though!
Everyone had to take a turn being everyone else, of course. 
I also love happy, eyes closed pics. 
Then we drove around the small (and sad) town seeing where the old school was, where the church was, and the church that holds the bell pa helped pay for. 
It is a sleepy little town. Laura was definitely the best thing that ever happened to it. 
All the girls made a go for the bonnets and other trinkets. She's so cute, she almost won me over, but I stayed firm. 
On July 8th they are hosting The Wilder Pageant, where they are expecting 15,000-20,000 people to come to their tiny town. They've got Miss Beadle and Ma Ingalls from the tv show coming and signing books, and they put on big pageant. Sounds like a totally fun time. Too bad we were just a few weeks too early.

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