Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day #5 - family pictures

We took family pictures!
You never know what you're gonna get anytime you get 24 people together. These pics are case in point.
2 parents, 3 girls, and 3 boys.
The family of my birth. I'm a lucky and blessed girl.
As the natives were getting restless, we gave them each a shot of whipped cream in their mouths between takes.
And the grands. Only missing 2. And Somewhere in the 5 minutes between takes, Delaney got angry. Ugghhhh.
From the precarious perch on the deck, we moved down to the rocks on the beach.
Tom and his fancy feet pushed the camera button and ran up the rocks to his spot. It was impressive.
The sibs.
It was so crazy windy, and really still too bright for pictures, but we did our best.
And another super natural shot. Except I look like I'm fixing to murder someone. Definitely need to work on my "natural" modeling skillz.
And then my girls and their sistahs. How'd I get so lucky to have 4 beautiful daughters?
Sisters and sisters-in-love. That's the cheesy way of saying sister-in-law, don't you know.
Of course we can't take pictures of us all together without doing our traditional totem pole. Not sure how or why this started, but it's seeped in tradition now. 
Baby bug.
Dancing queen. 
Love this silly girl.
After being still for like, 20 minutes, the kids went a little buck wild.
They were crazy town.
We got them calm enough for another cousin shot. It was so precious, as soon as they put Ollie down he went straight to the picture of precious Harvey.
Be still my heart.
And I call that a photo shoot. 

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