Friday, August 30, 2019

Open house

The 2019-2020 school year is revving up, and yesterday we went to the open houses. 

Dukes was straight tripping crazy. I don’t understand why they cram us into an hour and a half of whirlwind. 

Everyone is excited about their teachers and to see their old buddies. 

Even though Addie is technically not an elementary student, she’s still an Aviator at heart. 

These 2 are stoked to be in the same class! What luck!

Addie’s middle school open house was that evening, and Sarah took the girls so we could take Addie, so we got to spend one-on-one time with our big girl. We ate dinner at home and for ice cream rolls for dessert. 

How is our little baby going to this big school already???

I actually feel a lot better after walking around. I’m starting to remember from when the big kids went and it’ll be ok. 

We ran in to besties. 

And fought with her dumb locker. We all 3 tried and tried. We asked a student helper for help. We asked a teacher for help. We followed all the different instructions given to us, and I guess the answe is that they’ll work on it at school the first week. 🤷‍♀️

Addie humored me with all my pictures. She’s the best. 

We saw another mom grab this shot, so we had to. 

This was supposed to be a jump shot, but you know. 

We picked the girls up and got home to this beautiful sunset. 

I am going to chair the staff appreciation committee at the middle school, and today they had a back to school lunch, so the girls and I went to help. It was so good to get the lay of the land and meet everyone. I really liked the principal, she talked to us candidly about plans for the year and how she’ll be involved with the PTA. It was really great. 

At 2 we had Mother Daughter book club. Addie and I hadn’t read the book, but it’s always fun to catch up, especially after summer adventuring. They read The Giver, and one of the activities was to take a picture of something that represents color, and then constraint it with a black and white. So -


Black and white. 

It was kind of perfect because the girls and I had just had a long talk about opposition in everything. They always pray that we’ll “have fun,” but to enjoy having fun, you have to work, and sometimes not have fun, but you can find joy and satisfaction in those things too. We talked about summer, and how even though it’s been wonderful, school and learning is pretty great too. It was a good talk. 

Tonight I finished school supply shopping. I wasn’t sure exactly what Addie would need, so now that I know it feels good to be done. New outfits and lunch grocery shopping  are on tomorrow’s agenda and then we’re 100% ready. 

Bring it on, school year!

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