Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 2

Last night after dinner and cleanup I stayed with the girls while they sang their fun camp songs. Some I remembered from my own girls camp days, so fun! Most not, but still fun. The youth camp leaders (ycl's) gave the three cooks each a cute apron that they'd signed. 

Carolee and I waited till all the girls had showered before we meandered up for ourselves. Even though the water pressure was next to nothing, it felt so sweet. We turned out the lights at midnight and I slept like a log till 6:30. I took a NyQuil since I was feeling pretty congested and achey, and it was perfect!

This morning we made English muffins, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal for breakfast. Brother G runs a tight kitchen and all cooks/helpers must wear hats and aprons. Hot stuff!
Right after breakfast we got started on cinnamon rolls for snacks.  After all the cleanup and prep work were done, I sat and visited with Carolee and the girls till it was time to make lunch. We had baked potatoes, salad, and chili. After that cleanup and prep I had a little time, so I came down to my cabin to nap. I'm feeling pretty good and am cautiously optimistic that this cold will pass by without too much fuss. 

Today is one of the hottest days we've had so far, and storms are brewing for tonight. All of us have gotten notices like this:
Such exciting weather to have while camping. :/

After a snack of snow cones and cinnamon rolls, I went for a walk around camp. It's beautiful here. I also had an apple crisp mishap. Will told me this would take longer than the 30-40 minutes the cookbook said it would take. After 15 minutes he said, "I smell something burning..." And there was my apple crisp. 
It's always an adventure figuring out new ovens. 

Lexi had a procedure done today to check out her bladder. I tried to talk her into waiting till I got home, but she's a big girl and she did it herself. We had a loopy facetime convo and she's feeling ok. 
Tonight we're bbq'ing chicken and praying the storm will cool us down but not wipe us out. (; fun times at girls camp!

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