Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Till I drop

Love this. It's not about anyone else. Lots of this will be going into the daily affirmations I'm writing for myself. Because I need to remember some important things every day, and I was thinking I should find something someone else had written. But then I was like, duh,  I can write this for myself. So now I am. There. 

Today was a very exciting day for me! I started my last jnvisalign tray! It's only been 22 weeks, but I'm pretty over having to worry about my trays all the time. And no gum. That part is stinky too. Hooray to be almost through!
Today was shopping day. Every few months I like to take a break from shopping (other than perishables) to eat all the random foods we've acquired. I don't know why, but I seem to always have rando cuts of meat in my freezer. I've decided to stop buying those (unless it's a crazy good deal) cause we mostly eat chicken, some ground beef and some fish. 

Anywho, lexi agreed to watch the girls while I shopped the day away. She was so funny, she said "is sister McCombs going with you? Well aren't you gonna be bored?" And then I had to explain to her that a) moms don't do everything with their friends, and b) being alone is a wonderful treat for a mom, and that I'd be just fine. 

I've been collecting coupons and am determined to build our stockpile again. I believe in the coupon philosophy. I believe in being a good steward of the blessings we've been given, and so I try to stretch each dollar as far as it can go. And I truly enjoy it. I did pretty well at the commissary and then had a fabulous trip to target. It took about 4 hours, but I haven't been in a really long time, so it's all good. And again, I love to shop, so there. 

After school Alexis and Chris decided to go to the beach. I jokingly asked if they wanted to take delaney, and i was surprised when they said yes. She was so excited!
She's such a funny goose. She says "sewiously" about 15 times a day. As in "seriously, you're waisting my time out!" (She means "time") sassy pants. 
Laura came over again. We are planning an impromptu lighthouse weekend and we are SO excited! I'm having to bail on our neighborhood 5k, which is stinky and I hate to miss it. But each lighthouse cruise only happens a few times each summer and we really don't want to miss the ones for this year. Delaware bay lights, we're coming!

We had some delightful baked potatos for dinner, baths (no flesh eating bacteria for our laney-bug!), and bed. Matt went home teaching and then we watched some duggars. Good stuff. (((:

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