Friday, December 31, 2010

Sometimes Matt brings me home little gifts. Two times he has brought me home body scrub that he has then ranted and raved about how good they smell and how they leave his skin so soft.

Sister always says that if you want to know the kind of gift a person wants, look at the kind of gift a person gives.

So after I read about making homemade body scrub here, Addie and I set out to the health food store and bought all the ingredients for our own special Christmas blend.

I wanted Addie to help at every step, so I set out to open each of the essential oils to find one that she approved of. But to each one I let her smell she said "ewww," so after about 15 times, I gave up. In the end I took the owners advice and went with grapefruit and lavender.

"Addie, smile! Addie, say cheese!"
And she did say cheese.
She just did it while wiping her nose on her sleeve.

She had so much fun making daddy's gift.

Do you like her pajamas and backpack?

Love the faces!

So proud of herself for being such a big girl!

Does it smell good?
"No, ewww."

Addie loved making it, wrapping it, and then taking it to daddy to open on Christmas morning. And just fyi, daddy loved his gift.

1 comment:

matt and michelle ray said...

I did love my gift. And my skin is so soft right now!