Monday, July 1, 2024


Since we were all seated separately I got off the plan first and got to wait for everyone on the shuttle. Then they crammed the whole plane into 2 busses. Super fun. 

We tried to hook up with Alexis and Damian, but we’d flown into different terminals so they were in a whole different area of the giant airport complex and there was no way to walk through. We got out weekly metro passes without too much trouble, thanks to lots of research and YouTube vids. How did people travel before YouTube? Soooo helpful. 

We metro’s and bussed our way to our Airbnb. 

These little piggies were tired. We were ok when we were moving, but as soon as we sat down - zzzzz. 

We met up with the crew for lunch right under our apartment. Doner kabobs for everyone!

These were different than Germany, but still tasty. 

We had all slept through breakfast on the plane, so we were hungry. 

Delaney tried a “taco”, and it looked exactly like our doners. 🤷‍♀️😂

We followed the instructions to pick up our key from a mailbox with a code and Lu let us in to our cute little French apartment. You have to lock the door with the key coming in and out. 

Our first stop after freshening up was Montemartre, the highest point in Paris. 

We crammed ourselves into the funicular for the ride up the hill. 

And there’s Paris! Except we couldn’t see the Eiffel Tower, so that was sad. 

So many locks!

Matt, Adi, and I climbed the rest of the way up and walked around the church. 

So beautiful! And it was a surprisingly cool 71°. 

We came upon this adorable little park. 

And had this adorable 16-year-old pose for some shots. 


That’s when adi started taking modeling pictures of Frankie in earnest. So. Many pictures. And there’s Delaney behind her taking pictures of pigeons flying. This was before she got los (to us, not to her)t because she was taking pictures of a cat. 🙄 that was a scary 5 minutes. 

We each picked a macaron because when in France…

And stood outside the shop taste testing. Except me because I’d forgotten to take my thyroid medicine since I never really slept the night. I waited 3 hours after lunch and took it at like 11am Leonardtown time. 

The flowers and the plants outside the shops got me like 🤩 

We wanted an early night but still had some time, so we walked to Moulin Rouge. 

I. Love. The. Cute. Shops. 

Frankie’s phone died, and she really wanted this shot, so there. 

I didn’t really know what Moulin Rouge was, haha. 

A kind tourist saw our rough selfie and offered to take sone for us. 

He did a great job, he took loots of pics at lots of angles, my fav kind of cameraman. 

We grabbed a metro home and only had one snafu when I read the metro number wrong and we were slow boarding and Lexi, Damian, and Frankie got left behind. Thankfully there were 2 adults in that group and we quickly met up with them at our stop. 

Matt and I went to our neighborhood intermarche 2 minutes away and bought water, a €.39 French bread and pan de chocolate and grabbed some pizzas for dinner. And we were all tucked snugly into our beds by 9:30. Today (it’s 3:30am, thank you jet lag, so officially it’s today) is our only full day in Paris, so it’s a big one!

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