Cami sent me this precious picture from 12 years ago today. These sweet cousins went to Africa together 11 years after this pic. I love seeing pictures I’ve never seen before. 😍
Dan and changes borrowed our kayaks for their fun anniversary weekend trip to Solomon’s island. They picked them up Friday and dropped them off this morning, so we missed Ellie’s farewell on our ward Zoom and Addie missed Sunday School. Oopsie. Alli made delicious fluffy biscuits and we shared them with homemade strawberry jam and homemade apple butter.
It was another day of meetings. Missionary correlation meeting, quick lunch, ward Council, soda break, then Just Serve training with Nola. What i thought would be a short meeting turning into a great counseling/brainstorming session and we’ve got some exciting action steps for moving forward. ThE Relief Society oversees Just Serve and I definitely have a better understanding of it now.
Alli made schnitzel for dinner and I roasted some squash and zucchini. We borrowed dads air fryer and got the switching out of the chicken down to a quick science so we could cook them all. It’s been so fun having a cooking buddy! I love having another adult around. She loves and is good with the girls. She cooks and helps with projects. She’s teaching the girls loads of little auntie lessons. It’s been so great. I am most decidedly not a dog person, but the pet hair and nips are worth it to get time with Alli.
Emmi has his birthday party today and he went to town on his cake! We got to FaceTime him as he ate it and he loved it. Cade’s family drove in Friday night, so he’s getting loads of love and cuddles.
Getting loved on and soiled is exhausting!
Dad came over for dinner and then we played some games. Alli and I lost at dominoes, but just barely. And then I won at Ticket to Ride, so the evening ended well for me.
We ended up having a super late sacrament meeting, but it was really good. This morning I asked the girls to think about something they have learned during the Covid time, and their answers were so thoughtful. Frankie said she’s learned it’s more fun to get along with your sisters. We elaborated on that and talked about how it’s always better to be kind and try to get along with people. Addie said she feels closer to Heavenly Father now and she’s grateful for that relationship. I can’t remember exactly what delaney said (she says so much) but it was about family and how important they are. We talked about how even in difficult times we can find the good, and that tough times are usually where we learn the most. I love at home sacrament meeting.
Tenkor nipped at Delaney last night but was good today. She really is so loving. Alli went downstairs for something and T came up and sat by me for cuddles. I do like giving her scratches and seeing her relax and love in on us. She’s wearing me down.
We have a sweet sister in our ward going through some difficult health issues. She’s been through a ton already and is facing another big surgery. I shared (with permission l) a request for prayers on our fb page and I really loved this quote. Our prayers are so powerful and it’s really one of the only things we can do right now.
We have a sweet sister in our ward going through some difficult health issues. She’s been through a ton already and is facing another big surgery. I shared (with permission l) a request for prayers on our fb page and I really loved this quote. Our prayers are so powerful and it’s really one of the only things we can do right now.
Alli and I FaceTimed our mom after the girls went to bed and it was nice chatting with her. She’s being extra careful in Texas, but planning a family reunion in Dollywood for after this is all over. I think we’ll all have earned a large dose of Dolly when things get back to normal.
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