Monday, June 24, 2019

Nanny comes to town

I gave a talk on Father’s Day, and also helped coordinate the treats for the dads, so Saturday and lots of Sunday were spent doing that, and nary a picture to be had. 

I found a Father’s Day talk to be more challenging than the norm because I gear so much of my learning towards women and girls. I asked some women from church what they’d like the men to know, and went from there. I really wanted them to feel built up and honored and not schooled. I had all my input plus lots of ideas and worked on it Saturday, but i didn’t like the way it was shaking out. I took a break, said some prayers, and went back and moved things around and then it flowed much more smoothly. I don’t mind giving talks at all, and I enjoyed preparing. I thought it went well enough and it is over, so yay. 

Nanny came to town Sunday evening. Yay again! We stayed home and she relaxed her knee on Monday. The Aina girls came over, and it looked like the storm was going to hold off, so we went to the pool. We were there for an hour when the thunder started, so we ended up coming home early. Super bummer. 

A couple of sad kids getting rained on. 

These reading friends. 

It rained off and on all evening. We took the whole crew for a quick walk between showers. Isla still not sure about being without her mom, but she liked the walk. 

She knows she loves me. I copied her faces for some photo shoot fun. 

Everybody loves her. She’s like a tiny, adorable dictator. 

On the way home she started crabwalking and insisted Delaney join her. Babies are so weird. 😂

We stayed outside and watched the lightning when we got home. D and Ellie caught lightning bugs. 

Isla survived and everyone else had fun. 

The next morning tbis big, list making girl wrote out what she’s learning to cook this summer. Among the delicacies are “ramin” and “white chikin chile.” 

Nanny and Frankie worked on some multiplication facts. Frankie’s a trip. 😂

We saw The Secret Life of Pets 2” and it was cute. 

We swung by the grocery store too and nanny made all their little dreams come true. 

They were still in rare form. Not fun. 

We tried to smooth things over with some games. 

But after a few rounds of Jenga, they just couldn’t keep it together. They got sent to their rooms for the evening. Again. 🤦‍♀️

Then nanny and I got to enjoy Silly Street with the silly bug. Much more peaceful. 

It rained just about every night. Cool lightning storms and tons of rain. So beautiful!

We’ve got our 2019 family theme up (shooting for March next year!). It’s the chorus from The Family is of God. It says “God gave us families, to help us become what He wants us to be - This is how He shares His love, for the family is of God.” I love it and find such truth and beauty to the words. Matt made the girls sing with him one night. 

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