Saturday, June 1, 2019

Birthday celebrating

We wanted to celebrate the girls birthday before Lexi went back home. Lexi They chose Olive Garden, which Delaney know calls Grape Garden because “those are grapes, not olives!” Delaney ordered a cheese pizza with one meatball. πŸ™„

My 4 beautiful girlsies. 

And not to leave Bubba out! Funny aside - our server was his middle school girlfriend, Amelia. I didn’t recognize her until she’d gotten our drink order, walked away, and Lexi pointed it out to me. Then when we were telling Matt I accidentally said it was Brenna and he thought it was Jordan. All the past lives. πŸ™„

We got a chocolate lasagna and everyone sang happy birthday. 

They love being birthday twins. 

June 3rd love. 


It was such a beautiful evening that we had Delaney take a picture of us. 

She took a regular one and then said “silly shot!” My girl!

Tracie has told me about a fun new candle and when Lu and I had been shower shopping, we bought one. 

It’s a bunch of candles clumped together and they make a huge clump, and then it opens up and spins while playing happy birthday. 

It was fun. 

And then it lasted and lasted. 

We finally decided to let them blow them out. And the music kept on a-playin!
Lexi got a sunburn and then the smoke from the candles made her eyes water. πŸ˜‚

Then the boys got to play with knives to cut the wire and stop the music. 

After the music stopped, Matt played around with it to see if he could splice them back together to play the music. He finally decided it was useless and set the player down. 

Addie picked it up, tinkered with it quietly for a few minutes, and then boom! It started playing again. She was so cute and funny about it and we all, all 7 of us, burst out laughing! We laughed and laughed, it was so funny! I love that our kids are getting older and we’re able to have so much fun together. 

Of course, little sister wanted to try her hand at splicing too. 

The girls went to bed way too late, but full and happy. Eric and Aimee came over again and I visited with them for awhile before I headed up to bed. 

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