Sunday, February 17, 2019

Lovely weekend

I’ve been a curly girl since August.  I’ve been a curly girl forever, much to my chagrin, but I’ve been strictly following the method since August. I stopped shampooing, brushing, and using any heat on my hair. I started off slow using just safe products I already had on hand. I condition my dry hair and massage the conditioner into my scalp for a good 10-15 minutes. I got myself a scalp scrubber for Christmas and it makes that whole process so much better. I’ve slowly gotten more entrenched in the method. I’ve watched many many how to videos, made my own flax seed gel, purchased, and then electrical taped on a recommended diffuser (because it didn’t fit into my dryer), and am really having fun trying out fav cg products. It’s all so dumb and I laugh at myself and all my products and routines. Stc, sotc, co-wash, smasters, rake and shake, praying hands, and protein levels are just a few of the acronyms, techniques, and scientific bits I’ve been learning about hair. This is my awesome jimmy rigged hair dryer setup and my hair completely dry, before scrunching out the crunch, along with my clips for extra body. Because my hair dryer is super old (and I haven’t invested in the $400 Dyson... yet) it takes a long time to diffuse it dry, so I listen to podcasts. Fun stuff. 

Love this pic of a great, great grandma. And i love konmari. 

Matt and the girls played around with google earth and found papa’s house. 

Saturday was a slow day where we let the girls each take long baths and play and make imovies. 

That night we double dated with the Dorns to see Sarah’s play She Loves Me. It was super cute and we have amazing friends. 

This morning we had a good ward council. My favorites are when everyone participates and shares ideas and it’s like a true council. We had that today. Matt had a meeting after church (that he’d forgotten about), so I was walking out to the car with the girls, and chatting with Alecia when she reminded me that I actually had a meeting with bishop. I realized it was the third Sunday and she was right. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ she offered to take the girls to her house, which everyone was thrilled about, and all was well. Our exec-sec is out of town so I didn’t get a reminder and even though my word for the month is preparedness, I am seriously unprepared. All’s well, I give myself a whole lot of grace, and onward and upward. 

We went to the Mc’s for dinner and their new puppy mo-mo came up wanting me to hold her. Silly puppy. 

I made pioneer woman creme brûlée for dessert and was so excited to use the dessert torch I bought several months ago, only to realize it needed butane. Lack of preparation rears it’s ugly head again. But really, how was I to know? We threw them under the broiler and they were pretty delicious, if I do say so myself. Not perfect, but we’re willing to keep trying. 

The girls are absolutely in love with mochi and she gave Delaney several good night kisses. It was super sweet. We are going to miss these friends of ours. I just can’t even think about it yet, but I know I want to spend as much time with them as possible before Utah steals them away. 

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