Friday, February 15, 2019

Date night and Preparation

Just a quick check in. I Marie Kondo’d 3 boxes of pictures this afternoon, which means bending over them, and always hurts my back. Usually the back pain goes away as soon as I stop, but not this time. My back spasmed the whole evening until I got home and put heat on it. Getting old is so rad. 

I took pics of some of the more memorable pictures and shared them with the featured memorable people. Like this cute one of me and little baby Frey. 

Ivonne and I at Cheddar’s. Babies. 

Baby Lu and auntie Alli gaming it up. 

I don’t know who took these pictures, there’s a whole series of Lexi in front of this mystery car I don’t recognize, and I love them. This one is my fav. Lex was so tough. 😂

My train! How many people can say they worked on a dinner train. And did it while raising up such cute kids!

Memory lane is fun to stroll down. With a bum back. 

Sweet Alecia offered to babysit tonight, and even though we’re going to a play tomorrow, I’m not one to pass up free babysitting. Matt and I went to see Isn’t it Romantic and it was fun and cute. My back bothered me the whole time, but popcorn for dinner makes everything better, even if Matt disagrees. 

Yesterday was V. Day. My sweet hubs and I dug the valentine bin out of the garage on the 13th. We put out a few decorations and I took a few things to my last 1st grade Valentine’s Day party, and then I put everything back away today. Yup, 48 hours. I went through and Kondo’d the box though, so it was still worthwhile. 

Because we hadn’t gotten the bin out, we didn’t have our valentines mailboxes so I improvised and did a scavenger hunt where they found small gifts along the way instead of giving them a gift everyday. And since I’m obsessed with getting rid of things, they got less than 14 things, which was perfect. 

They had fun running around finding gifts. 

Then we watched a movie to celebrate. On a school night. What, what!

In other exciting old lady/mom news, I changed some parts on Rhonda and even though her battery isn’t lasting super long anymore, (who’s is?!) she’s working like a champ again. And no wonder she wasn’t picking up much, that spinner thing was wrecked. 

My word for the month is preparation, which is tricky because I came into this month like a wrecking ball and haven’t improved since. I struggle with being prepared often and this month has been exceptional, soooo? I’m thinking about it a lot, so that’s something. And in fairness, I’m doing a lot of preparation on our home, so that’s something too. Halfway through, looking to bring it back around. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏼 

1 comment:

The Adventures of Smilin' Jack said...

Believe me, no amount of 'preparation' gets you ready for the reality of growing old. And it is made even more troublesome when you have to read about your third child complaining about becoming a bona-fide 'Senior'.

Love the 'Old' pics. Don't be stingy!! I find putting them on FB allows me to save them in 'preparation' for those moments where I am feeling melancholy and want to go back to the days before my back hurt, too. Added bonus is that the kids can be both happy to have access to them and mortified that you put them out there simultaneously. Win-Win!!

Theater Buttered Popcorn IS a legit meal. 'Nuff said.

Love the blog. Be 'prepared' for more nagging about them. I feel you have thousands (OK, maybe dozens) of additional pictures of the #70on66 Trip that I've not seen. And I am prepared to be the proverbial 'pain-in-the-back' until you do. I have been patient so far but, as I've mentioned, I'm prepared to step up my game . . . soon.

More pictures!! More Blogs!! Get your act together and "" (Cut and paste for humorous and timely dig)!!