Friday, October 13, 2017

Sick day

*written last Thursday, October 5*

On Tuesday night I started feeling sick. It was right before I left for a girls night at Alecia's, and before I left her house to go home, I had a full blown cold. As adults we often don't have the luxury of resting a cold off, but miraculously I had a relatively feee 2 days and have been taking full advantage. 

Wednesday afternoons are our busiest, so I had to get dressed and head out. First was Delaney's parent/teacher conference. She's doing great. She is so smart, it's crazy. She loves to learn and is a leader in her class. Mrs. S said she's never been sassy or unkind, which I don't fully believe, but makes me happy. D and sephie are teaching the class the motions they learned for the letters in pre-k. She says d is a joy and a bright spot in her already wonderful class. Happy momma. 

Next up was D's Daisy Scout hike at Greenwell. Lea took D since Franks has dance at 5. They sent these cute pics of the hikers. 

Crazy girls on a beautiful day!

As soon as Rosalyn picked Frankie up for dance I headed to Greenwell to pick up D and Silvia for their dance. Their class starts right as Frankie's ends, so I drop the little girls off and then pick the big girls up and take them home. I have just a few minutes to hang out, and even though it's kind of crazy with people going lots of directions, it's really good. And Addie has loved staying home alone on Wednesdays. 

Today is an early dismissal day and then I have a Cookies meeting tonight, but for now I'm resting and hoping this cold goes away. 

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