Saturday, September 10, 2016

21 Questions for Addie

The last in my "21 Questions" installments. It's only taken me 5 months to finish. Frankie's here and Laneys here. To hear my poor children you would think all any of us ever do is clean, talk about cleaning, yell about cleaning, and then clean some more. My house shows that none of those are true, but it does give me cause to wonder if we're talking/complaining about it too much? Or if somehow we can flip the script and emphasize all the other fun things we do that were not mentioned here at all. I see how these questions are more fun for the younger crew. I had high hopes for Addie, but turns out 8 year olds aren't always super introspective and thoughtful. Who knew?

1. What is something mommy always says to you?
"Clean up."
2. What makes mommy happy?  
"When we clean up."
3. What makes mommy sad?
"When we don't clean up."
4. How does mommy make you laugh?
 "If you wrote a movie you would make me laugh."
5. What was mommy like as a child?       
"You were 80's." upon further interrogating "Did they have cars back then?" (gave up)
 6. How old is mommy?
"37, no 38! Cause I knew I'm even and you were supposed to be even."
7. How tall is mommy?
"Skip. Uhhhh, about a few feet. A few yards. Three yards."
 8. What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
"Clean! Talk with your friends! I don't know. Yeah, talk with your friends."
9. What does mommy do when you're not around?
"Clean. Drive. PTA meetings. I don't know."
10. If mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
 "The most clean of all houses."
11. What is mommy really good at?
 "Talking, yelling, I don't know.
------------------------- insert talking to here - maybe she's right, I am good at talking... -------------------
12. What is mommy not very good at?
"Kidnapping, even though you've never done that before." ???? I guess I should be grateful?
 13. What does mommy do for her job?
 "PTA." (anything else?) "No, not that I can think of?" maybe she thinks I get paid to PTA?
14. What is mommy's favorite food?
 "Diet coke." (not ever)
15. What makes you proud of mommy?
 "Having a nice mom." (except when I'm yelling, apparently, which I'm very good at)
 16. If mommy was a cartoon character, who would she be?
"A lighthouse keeper." (finally an answer I can dig)
 17. What do you and mommy do together?
"Movies". (anything else?) "Dates." (anything else?) "Going to school? Everything?" :/
 18. How are you and mommy the same?
"We both have brown hair, we're both girls, we both like to eat."  (can't argue that)
 19. How are you and mommy different?
"I like ramen, but you say it's not a meal, but it is a meal." (beg to differ)
 20. How do you know mommy loves you?
"You let us watch tv, you kiss, hug, everything."
 21. Where is mommy's favorite place to go?
"Lighthouses and home."

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