Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vacation time!

We've had such a crazy summer so Matt and I figured, why not make it a little bit crazier! On Wednesday we decided to drive, yes drive with our 5 week old baby, to Seattle. Road trip!!!

We figured that if we drove we could stop in Sacramento and check things out before committing to a job there, and then Matt got an interview in Oregon, so we'll just make another stop. And then we can show off Addison to all the Seattle family.

So we decided to road trip on Wednesday, then I had committed to being in Lubbock for youth conference all day Thursday, which meant I had only Friday to pack and get the house ready to leave for a month - thanks Tom for staying at our house! Anyways, that made for a crazy day of laundry, packing, planning etc.

Here is a picture of Addie before we got started. She had just woken up, gotten dressed, fed, and played with. She was so happy!

Then there was the laundry...

She was sooo good. Just happily playing on the floor.

Then there was the packing. This is all Addie's stuff! Man she needs a lot!

All that playing tired her out and she slept for a long time.

Then more packing.

She was still being really well behaved!

Then some cleaning. She was still being pretty good.

Hey, every baby has their limit!


Unknown said...

Hey Michelle I forgot you were pregnant. She is so cute!! Congratulations! email me so that I can invite you to my blog.

Dyer Family said... guys are nuts, but the best time to drive all that way is definitely when they ar little:) keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom make sure you pack up her pac-n-play she might need that or inless she only sleeps with you theres no point in extra stuff in the car. Are you guys taking the camry or the truck. the truck will give you more room but gas, uhh. the camry might not be so exspensive but it will probibly be cramped. Love ya