Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our move and Addie's trick

I haven't wanted to write anything about our impending move because I've kinda been hoping it wouldn't happen. Now that it looks like its a for sure thing, I guess I can update here.

About 3 weeks ago Matt's big boss came into town and told them Boeing had decided to close the school in Clovis. He was told he could find another job withing Boeing (on his own) or he'd have to look elsewhere. Since then he has put out tons of resumes and we've been trying to figure out what to do with our family! That being said, we are doing well. Boeing will pay us until September and we've got lots of options. And we know the Lord will provide.

Matt's had a couple of interviews. An interview with a company in Sacramento, CA and just last night for a small town in Tennessee. And when I say small, we're talking 7ooo people! Yikes! I can handle Clovis small, but that is small!!! And then there is also the option for Matt to deploy for a couple months. Ugh! It's enough to make my head hurt.

Sooo, our house is on the market. If you would like to see it I can email you the MLS. It's really nice and we appreciate anyone that will help us try to sell! :)

Now onto more fun things. Addison is growing like a weed. She is 5 weeks old today and getting quite the attitude. The other day Matt showed me a trick they'd been working on.

Here's the prep.

Getting ready.


You gotta love dads!


Dyer Family said...

Such a cutie(Im talking about Addison:) Good luck with job hunting and keep us posted on the house, I forwarded the info to my sis so she could get it to her friend!!!

Sara said...

Wow, you're a better mother than me... I would never let Benjamin do that! She is such a chunk! I love it! You must make cream. *sigh* I've already run out, did I tell you that?
Here's to selling your house and you moving closer home!

Anonymous said...

Sweet, Right on dad .

Anonymous said...

You are brave. That trick would give me a heart attack! She didn't look too worried though!

Don't leave me!!! :(