Monday, September 30, 2024

Of yards and dolls and puzzles

Our shelf prayers were not answered in the way I’d hoped. It sometimes feels like we take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. We’ve had a random water puddle in our garage for a week and we thought it was the fridge, but when we went out to work on the shelves we did some investigating and  found it was coming out from the bottom of the wall. more detective work discovered it’s the wall with our master bedroom pipes, and when we flushed our toilet, water trickled out. 🤣 Come to find out, Matt hit a pipe when he  put up the first shelf, so that’s awesome. Thankfully we were able to have a plumber come the next morning and we only had to take a small portion of the shelf down and cut a small piece of drywall. Hopefully that will take care of the problem!

Delaney stayed home again on Thursday. I got her up and had her eat breakfast, but she still felt achy. 

Digging gate continued. 

We managed to get the fabric, rock, and pipe down and then it was just a matter of covering it all up, which the girls helped with. 

The Darrows did a fun pizza night in exchange for cans for the food drive, and while I don’t make great pizza, I do make a great cookie, so this idea was born. 

Imagine my surprise when a Facebook memory popped up where I had done this exact same thing - cookies for cans for another food drive we’d done years ago. I have the literal *worst* memory. 

Ta-daaaa! Mostly covered French drain. The girls worked for a long time raking all the extra dirt and rock from the grass and deposited like 10 wheel barrows full behind the shed, and there’s still more to do. 

In the meantime I’ve been going through our games to see a) if we still play them and b) if we have all the pieces. This is a fun puzzle my mom sent us. The pieces are tiny and if you move it at all you move the whole thing, there’s nothing holding it together, so it’s pretty tricky.  The missionaries loved this cutie and out in several pieces when they came over to help make cookie dough. 

Delaney made a video of her Our Generation camper. She’s so funny. 

Another puzzle instayed up way too late working on. #worthit

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