This girl is one of my favorite people. She’s sweet and salty and always has something to say. She’s growing up and getting rid of her little girl unicorn room and I’m just a wee bit sad.

The neighborhood had a yard sale and we told the girls they could keep all the proceeds if they worked it. We worked together to price everything and Delaney labeled it all.



Thursday was my first staff appreciation event - a Muffin Bar. I collected donations and made some muffins and set up the day before and it was easy and smooth and I still love staff appreciation.

Here’s the after. Delaney loves helping me set up and clean up. As a student going into the staff lounge is pretty bomb.

This is how I spent the rest of Thursday.

Because the basement still isn’t put together all the toys are in the garage so I grabbed all the bins and we organized everything and got rid of a ton.

Thursday night brought garage shelf building. Because why have one project in the works when you can have several?

That brings us to Friday and our French drain yard project heard round the world. We spent a good 8 hours and it was hard work. Our backs and wrists and muscles were so sore. We had talked about possibly renting a trencher and after being the diggingest dogs, we decided to go grab it.

And since we also had to rent a trailer, we hit Lowe’s for long wood that won’t fit in the jolly green and all the gravel and concrete we’ll need for our current yard projects. We’re always happy when we can get the most out of things we pay for.
We helped the girls get set up and they were on their own.

They said no one even tried to haggle and they made $180 to split between the three of them, so that’s a pretty good haul.

They’re working on posting the things that didn’t sell to Marketplace. Delaneys already sold several unicorn pieces.

We dug dug dug all day Saturday. We had the girls come out in shifts and we banged that French drain out.

We had to dig most of it by hand because of the utilities
and we managed to cut a sprinkler pipe and also a hose. 🤷♀️ We were all happy when we got to the point where we could use the trencher. It took a little bit for Matt to get used to it, but by Monday morning he was a pro.

Amazingly fast and easy.

It was so. much. work. It isn’t often that I physically don’t have the energy for things I want to do, but I hit that point both days.

A Frankie shift.

I’m so proud of us. This was a lot of planning and work and we were both nervous but so far, so good and doing this ourselves is saving a ton of money. All the prayers that we’re doing it right and not going to hurt ourselves down the road.

I had signed up for a Board and Brush class to benefit Chelsea’s school, so while I was bummed to leave our project unfinished, it was nice to go hang out. Although it was pretty hard to paint because a) I was exhausted and b) my hands were shaky because of a) above. I was the first done and even though it’s been forever since Chelsea and I hung out, I headed out pretty quick.

We had the trencher till Monday morning and I could have been convinced that our ox was in the mire, especially since a St. Mary. County guy came around and told us we couldn’t French drain up front. That same guy came out years ago (I might have mentioned this project has been a long time coming) and never said we couldn’t or shouldn’t do exactly what we’re doing. It’s so frustrating because we’ve tried really hard to do the right thing for everyone, since when one neighbor changes their water routing or grade it changes for everyone. Anyways, of course we are proceeding with our project, but just a touch worried we might get in trouble.
Matt said our project would go more smoothly if we didn’t work on Sunday, even with the trencher, so we didn’t. I’m grateful for his good example when I can sometimes rationalize. It was a very full day even without yard work. Frankie had a talk, we sang in sacrament meeting, and there was a Linger Longer. We met up with Alecia early to run through our song. She’d recorded it for me but since we cut out a verse there was some confusion and we couldn’t ever figure out the last verse, so it was nice to finally sing while she played. Frankies talk was sweet and short and our song was fine. It actually was kind of fun practicing together though I wish we’d had more time. We told the girls just to enjoy it and smile and sing loud because this is our testimony. We sang If the Savior Stood Beside Me which is one of my favorite songs and it was lovely arrangement. Our humble witness of our Saviors love. I especially love the last verse and I couldn’t help but smile singing there with my family. We didn’t sound great but our hearts were in it. We all wore pink to coordinate and I even wore my goofy pink glasses.
After church I had an area meeting to finalize our area RS conference proposal, so that took an hour and a half but was really interesting and I really hope we get approved. I had a presidency meeting at 3, but I was still in my area meeting so I asked them to start without me and then joined as soon as my other meeting was done. I hung out in the family history center on the comfy chairs so it was nice. I talked to bubba all about their new house on my way home and then had one more meeting at 5:30. It was a long and lovely day. Usually I am so sad for the weekend to end, but I gotta say I was a little glad on this one. That’s not a weekend I’d like to do again.
Workers in our neighborhood get going with their tools pretty early, so right after seminary on monday Matt and I jumped on the trencher and were able to get 3/4 of the other side of our yard started. The trencher isn’t perfect and we’ll have to go in and make sure the slope works, but it will be so much faster than doing it all by hand!

We did manage to go exactly over top of our sprinklers and tear up a large section, so Automatic Rain is coming out today and we’re hoping it’s only an hour or 2 job. 🤣 Our philosophy this weekend has been that it’s all fine, we’re learning and trying and working together, so shredded sprinkler pipes are no big deal.

It’s not the straightest line I’ve ever seen but she’ll do the trick!

We hustled her onto the trailer and were only 5 minutes late for our 9:00 dropoff. We thought we’d have to rent it again, but thanks to our early morning trenching we won’t. 🎉 We only had a few hours to work between Matt’s actual job, dinner, and ballet, but we think we’ve got the grade right so hopefully today we can get all our sprinkler pipes fixed and throw the gravel and tubes down and get it all covered up. Then we can start leveling out the other side for the French drain over there. It will be so worth it and good when it’s done.
I went grocery shopping and adi target shopping while Delaney danced. She’s really enjoying her classes more this year and I’m so grateful!