Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Day #312

The one with the first woman vp. 🎉🎉🎉

First, Delaney got her 3rd science box and she got all the parts to make a Zither. She did it all on her own and has been obsessed with it. Late last night as we were brushing our teeth, we could hear her plucking away. She recorded several videos to send to Johnna and has been comparing her zither to the piano sounds. It’s really cute how much she loves it. 

We watched the inauguration and had ice cream for lunch in honor of Joe Biden’s love of ice cream. It was beautiful and just felt so good to hear a grown up. And Kamala. 😍 We have our first female Vice President and it is really a bright new day. 

Last night they had a memorial for the over 400,000 that have died of covid, and I just can’t believe that hasn’t been done before now. No politician is perfect and i am not a fan of executive orders, of which Biden did several today, but I also agree there were some important things needing to be addressed. We’ll just keep praying for the best and keep trying to be the best disciples of Christ in our personal lives. 

Papa bought Ledo’s pizza for lunch and that was fun and different. We played dominos and I lost both games. 😩 I got to talk to Lu and she is feeling good and Emmett is so cute and busy. She’s been having contractions for weeks and is 3 cm dilated. They scheduled her to be induced February 11, but don’t think she’ll make it till then. She’s nervous and excited and I’m sure the boys will be so sweet together. 

Also, it’s Emmett’s half birthday today and they celebrated with cheesecake. Look at that almost ginger! 😍

And last year. Such a beautiful boy!

Tonight everyone has activities. It’s hard to share screens with your sister, and the girls don’t love virtual activities, even though Colleen does a great job. I had them set up on different devices, but for some reason the sound stopped working on my iPad, so then they had to both be on the laptop. Devices are one challenge, and finding space for everyone to be separate is another. We have a virtual activity going on each level and then 2 bedrooms. Also, for stake council on Sunday, one of the high counselor was in his car, so we’re not the only ones struggling. 


FloridaMimi said...

Did you wear chucks and pearls? It’s a historic day! And about time:)

Also I meant to say congratulations on the new calling a month ago but then I didn’t. But I think you’ll be great! You’re amazing!!

Do you get to go help with the new baby??

Miss you💕

matt and michelle ray said...

Thanks, Lana! Totally new learning curve, but it’s been challenging and fun so far! And we just decided yesterday that I’ll take the whole little girl crew to Montana for a few weeks. Sounds crazy to me, but it’s what new baby mama wants. Miss you too!