Monday, September 21, 2020

Day #187

School days. Aunti Alli got the girls an early Christmas lresent - a pack of colorful headphones. Now we’ve got extras and no one ever has to search. We don’t have a set place for school, we go wherever is comfortable, and it’s usually close to each other, which I love.The only rhinf i don’t love about this philosophy is that I don’t like the girls carrying computers around, even though we’ve never had a problem, I don’t want to chance it. 

This was a stressful day. Some days the messes get to me more than others. This was one of those days. And then Christian had dropped off his car for Delaney to clean it while he went to Annapolis to pick up crabs. So I moved the car up to the driveway, put down some cardboard to catch the oil, and then couldn’t get the key out. So it was on, in the driveway, I had to leave for a date to have lunch with Kitty, and Christian was 2 hours away. It was stressful. I ended up leaving it running in our driveway with strict instructions for the girls to stay away from it. Alli even tried getting the key out when she had a break and nothing worked. Chris had to use pliers to get the key out when he got back. He swears that’s never happened before. 🤷‍♀️ 

Kitty and I ate on the patio at Mod Pizza. It started raining right when we got there, so we put up the umbrella and sat outside alone in the rain, which was perfect. She’s been a great Stake Relief Society president to me, even as she’s been though her own Gethsemane. She’s full of wisdom and the spirit and I just love her. I was surprised and sad to find that she’s moved to Virginia. She will be missed, but she is excited for a fresh start, and I’m excited for her. Lunch was a nice break to the stress and my grumpy mood. 

It was National Monte Christo Day, so we made some up, which was  a first for me. Everyone ate them, and almost everyone even put powdered sugar on theirs. #adventurous

We’ve started having weekly presidency meetings again. They are supposed to be short opportunities to check in and make sure everything is rolling smoothly. We managed a 30 minute meeting our first week, but this Thursday was a 60 minute one. Good thing I love Chelsea  and Carolee so much. 🤗

I also tutored and had another ward meeting. Zoom meetings are a blessing to be able to keep in contact, and also, I’m over them. 

Friday was another grumpy day. I think I’m generally a pretty happy person, but I’ve been in a funk. So no pictures all day. Until Dad brought some fun when he brought over cheeseburgers for National Cheeseburger Day! It was very sweet and fun and we all enjoyed our burgers, even Tenkor. 

We called this dinner and that made me sups happy!

After dinner, Matt took the girls and they went up to the school to fly his drone. I tidied up and decided to light a candle and find a show to watch. I found a cute one called The Home Edit about some cute home organizers, which i love, and I was happy to see that we basically have the same closet as Reese Witherspoon. Yay. And then I found out that the Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. Boo. Come on, 2020. 

I looked up some of my favorite quotes of hers. 

I need to remember this one. 👇🏻 Why am I so quick to forget? It reminds me of one of my fav Jen Hatmaker quotes about planning to be a dear lamb wife but accidentally having a fiery temper. Maybe I’ll be a dear lamb when I’m 50? 🤷‍♀️

Notorious RBG passing did nothing to help my bad mood. More political turmoil and hypocrisy. Thankfully we were almost done with school for the week and the house was fairly clean. 

And also Lu sent me this little cutey lover of all lights, and how could that not make me happy? 

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