Monday, June 22, 2020

Day #99 - Fathers Day edition

Yesterday we celebrated our dads. We made coconut waffles, turkey bacon, strawberries and cream, and veggie eggs for Matt and my dad. Then we showed Matt our gift from the ward for Father’s Day. We collected things the kids like about their dads and Alecia wrote up a very sweet letter to our dads. And then we collected videos of kids singing I am a Child of God, and Sarah put them all together. It was cute and sweet and even though we only had one dad comment and one dad email about it, I still think it was appreciated. This was Matt and delaney and Frankie enjoying our song. 

After our Zoom classes, the girls and I got right back to work. Matt had requested taco and fruit salad, and then we also made my grandma Seagrove’s chocolate sheet cake. Addie chopped the green onions, bell peppers, and made some guacamole. Frankie cut up the lettuce, cucumbers, tomato, and made the fruit salad. Delaney assisted with the cake and general clean up. I shared this pic with Darcie to show that we’d made the cake. 🤗 Texas sheet cake is my favorite, and this was a delicious variation on my original. 

At lunch, our Primary Activity girls shared their Grandpa/Dad-Libs. Frankie was a little better than Delaney at this assignment. Delaney was supposed to ask for a color, but instead she asked for a “hair color.” It took me a minute to catch on to what she’d done, but by the time she read her 2nd one, I’d figured it out. 

My dad also brought over his chess set that he bought some 50 years ago. The girls enjoyed playing with him. 

I was excited about present time. I had good ideas and that is the most fun time to give gifts. We got Matt swim trunks, a rash guard, and some shorts to round out my free shipping. 

I collected money from my sibs for my dads gifts. He is a fun gift receiver. 

He laughed and talked about how awesome everything was. 

And posed happily for pictures. It was fun. 

We watched a movie and Matt and I fell fast asleep on the couch. I was out so cold I didn’t even hear when my dad left.  There is a lovely picture that I will not share because ya my blog and I don’t have to. We’d eaten so much, and cooked so much, frankly, that we snacked and ate some leftovers for dinner. It was a nice day. 

And for today’s photo dump: this one made me tear up because I have seen the truthfulness of it in my home. 

And this one. That Emmi-Bob is the best!

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