Tuesday, September 25, 2018

All the stuff

Today was a basement paint day. Tuesday’s have become home project day with bubba and Pablo, and I can dig it. Today he even brought his friend that’s a girl Sarah too. Progress. 

Monday’s mean piano. This year we’ve got 3 little pianists, so that means an hour and a half at Johnna’s. So far it’s not been bad. We start at 4:30, so I’ve been on my A-game, and also channeling my inner Golden Girl, by have dinner ready by 3:30 so we eat before piano, do tutoring and homework there, and then fhe and treat when we get back at 6. So far, so good. 

40% off at Sherwin Willians means Rays buy all the paint. I brought the swatches home and showed bubba and he said “they’re all basically the same color.” Oh silly boys. (he’s right)

The Aina’s came over one day and I had lots of pics on my phone. I thought this one was funny. 

We got our new fridge! The old one leaked, fixed, leaked, fixed, leaked, done. It’s so nice to have water and ice that works! And it’s got 4 doors and we love it. (I think)

David’s brother lost his home in Hurricane Florence and since they were heading down to help, I sent out a call for donations and our neighbors rocked it, as per the norm. 

We also went to the fair last week, but more about time hay later. Also, maybe I should eat sometime. 😂

1 comment:

The Adventures of Smilin' Jack said...

They may not all look exactly alike but there is a definite trend in your choices. "Farmhouse"? Hmmmmmmm, a tentative OK. New furniture for the 'Farmhouse' mood?

Matt looks almost ecstatic about having this new, fancy, four-door Fridge. Contain yourself, Matt!!

Busy life!!