Monday, September 4, 2017


Saturday brought sunrise yoga for me. I love being at home, but it was nice to get out and stretch for a little bit by myself. 

We got some visitors mid-morning - the Ely's with their cute puppies that D loves. We had to be careful that Bonnie blue didn't jump on her, but good old Millie is always sweet and lazy. We had a fun visit with them. 

And they brought her gogurts, so she had some yummy new foods to eat. 

During her broth lunch (yum!) I got a fb message from Mrs. Stillwell telling me that D was in her class and how excited she was. D was excited too!

We gathered all our camping gear, including our coffin cooler. She's huge. 

I think we watched some Harry Potter and I know matt took the big girls to the pool, but d had another relaxing day at home. They also enjoyed eating their leftover Sweet Frog from when Bubba took them. 

Being cooped up in the house for a week and we were having to make some of our own fun.  Her face looks huge! 😂

And Frankie drew a portrait of little miss. Love them!

Blogging weeks and months later is hard and me no likey. 

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