yesterday lex, peter, brenna, and I made the long trek up to the pg indoor sports complex for yet another track meet. I am bummed that I didn't take any pictures, but it was a really great day. we were able to squish in and sit by chris while we waited forever for him to run the 300 meter dash. awesomely, we missed his long jump by a few minutes. always nice to travel an hour and a half to miss half of what you're going for.
it was a rough meet for chris. his time was a second and a half longer than his average because he'd gotten pushed to the back at the start of his race and was never able to get it back. he came in 80th out of 100. :( some days are just that way.
lex the restaurant connoisseur offered to buy me lunch after, and chris was able to leave after his event, so we headed to outback for some deliciousness. we left just after 8, and got home around 6. track meets make for long, boring, bum-numbing days. but for some half-full'ness, I am thankful I was able to go.
matt took the little ladies to the skatepark.

I kind of love it. for her primary spotlight, addie wrote that she is unique because she is learning to skateboard.

it's so different from anything I have ever done, and I love that about it.

and can't leave out the big boy. wonder who's finger that is. :)
today was fast sunday. it was a good day, made even better by our new late church schedule that I loooove. I gave the rs lesson on resolutions and it went well and i'm glad it's over. after church we went to the streeter's for Hawaiian haystacks and visiting with the buxton's, who are getting ready to go to dubai, for like, ever. :( it was super yummy and it's always fun to visit. we got the girls to bed way too late for their first day back to school tomorrow, and now lexi and I are getting to bed way too late for our 5:30 departure time to get to the airport. some days are just this way too.
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