Friday, September 20, 2013


on wednesday morning laney and i went to a mandatory volunteer orientation at the elementary school. that is one hour of our lives that we'll never get back. we did learn some pearls of wisdom though. like that you shouldn't date students (who knew?!) and that you shouldn't wear midriffs or anything with guns on them to school (darn, now i have to rethink all my ensembles). laney cleaned my feet with a wipey i gave her to keep herself occupied and i listened and learned.
johnna came over at 11:30 and we fed the girls lunch as we waited for lu to get home. when she showed up we headed up to her dr's appointment in annapolis.
i have called alexis 'barbara' forever, i'm sure i don't know why, i just called her it once and it stuck. so when i saw this sign as we left the dr's office i begged her to hold it for me so i could get a picture. she refused, so i made do. hahahahaha.
so now we wait some more. she's had blood in her urine (tmi, i know) for 3 years now (that we know of). they took some blood and will check to make sure her kidneys are still functioning properly, and if they are then we will just continue to wait and see. if they are not (which the doctor says is very unlikely) then we'll do a biopsy. i asked why not just do a biopsy now to try and determine the problem and he said because if it is genetic, which it probably is, then there's nothing that can be done. genetic testing is expensive and not covered by most insurance (as he explained) and it won't really give any answers, other than just to satisfy curiosity. it is interesting what a guessing game the medical world is. we are praying that kidneys are fine and we can sit around and wait for another several years. oh, and the blood draw was fraught with all the drama and crying of blood draws of the past, just fyi.

after our appointment, we hit the mall. when you live in small town, usa, you seize any opportunity to shop in the big cit-ay. i love pottery barn and i found my dream couch.
we window shopped and were really good. all we bought were 4 pairs of $2 earrings. even though we really wanted these hot glasses.
lexi seems like she's grown up overnight. the insight and maturity she's shown throughout recently has impressed me so much. we talked and she was pleasant and informative, it was just really awesome. she even said she thought she might like to go to byu (idaho, not provo, because she's a small town girl - as she explained to me). then on the way home though i put her to sleep with some little women cd's. it's all good.
matt made dinner, so when we got home lexi headed off to a soccer game while the rest of us enjoyed a culinary fete, before chris and i headed up to church, (mutual and pres mtg) with a quick stop at target to pick up lexi's new glasses. we've been thinking about doing some juicing and christian's little heart is all a flutter to get going. silly boy is all excited and doesn't know why i'm not. ah, young padiwan, i have gone without food for days before, i know what's in store for us, and it's not fun. we shall see.
see glasses, must try on. i actually picked christian's turquoise frames as a joke and he fell in love. silly boy.
t'was a happy wednesday.

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