Sunday, December 30, 2012

11 whole months + 1 day by delaney

you want me to turn off the tv and write my blog post?
uhhhhh, ok.
i actually don't watch much tv, but i do love to listen to music.
and i love to dance!
yup, i can stand!
i do it all the time.
but i do not walk. if i need to get somewhere crawling is the way for me!
i keep pretty busy playing.
this little kitchen is a favorite toy because it sings to me and teaches me spanish.
let's talk sleep.
i am switching up my sleep schedule a little bit and it's totally throwing my mom off.
i'm switching up nap times and lengths.
i've been waking up earlier and taking an afternoon and an evening nap, instead of morning, afternoon, evening. and i still wake up at night, a girls gotta eat!
usually when i wake up i just play quietly in my bed for awhile.
unless i wake up dirty or just plain mad.
then i scream, and i am pleased to say that i am prett-y loud.
let's talk bathing.
i'm still bathing with addie and frankie.
my mom tries to keep me safe from them.
but sometimes they get to me.
this day i was a princess.
do you like my crown?
cause i don't.
now let's talk laundry.
i'm still doing it.
sometimes i even balance the basket on my head. ;)
i love hamming it up for the camera.
and i love mom and dads bed.
i crawl around and then make sure people are still paying attention to me.
i also love being outside.
even though it's cold, it's nice.
and my cheeks keep me warm.
both sets. ;)
i'm always on the go, always getting into something.
and i've had some scrapes and tumbles this month.
the worst was when i fell down the stairs right in front of my mom.
i cried, she cried, it was so scary.
thankfully i'm pretty sturdy!
then i've fallen several times trying to maneuver around this crazy place.
one day i hit my cheek pretty good.
i'm okay though!
i like to make people laugh with my 6 jack-o-lantern teeth.
aren't they funny and big?!
i also like to make goofy faces.
(i know it's blurry, papa, i've been trying to tell her to use the good camera!)
we celebrated christmas this month.
i really liked the tree and presents.
this one was my favorite, though.
a doggy dream lite!
(cause some certain sisters call me delaney the dog. i don't love it.)
i had to really check it out to make sure it was okay.
and it is!
see how cool it is?
i also enjoyed finding candy left around.
reeses pieces are delicious, just for the record.
addie and frankie got cars for christmas, so i got to take a ride with them one day.
addie's a pretty good driver, but that frankie-girl...
keep your eye on the road and your hands on the wheel, you maniac!
she's fun to cuddle with, even though we did end up in the grass over and over.
and over again.
nothing else new going on.
i am working on an awesome high pitched whine for when i don't get my own way.
it's pretttty good.
and now i'll leave you with my patented mr. smithers.
almost 1-year-old,

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