Saturday, March 13, 2010


Here we are at another due date without a baby.
At least I was prepared this time. :)

I had a very productive week, one of the highlights being this:

A completely finished to do list! Sooo made my day!

Another highlight of this week has been the weather. It has been so beautiful! 65 degree days, we were at the park everyday soaking up the sunshine.

Look at her, playing at the park, without a coat!
(as a sidenote, she decided she wouldn't go down the slide by herself so I climbed my large gestating body on up at which time she told me "Sit!" so I sat and went down the slide with her. Can't hurt, right?! But oh what a sight!)

I won't mention that it rained all day yesterday, today, and is supposed to rain tomorrow as well. I'll leave all of that out.

Do you know what this picture means?
(besides being so cute I could eat her up!)

Addie is pretty much officially potty trained, at home.
(see, she's eating her "potty snack" of the week - nerds.)
I don't like the idea of pull-ups, though I might change my mind, and I'm not brave enough to keep her in undies when we leave the house yet. But we are on a serious roll and the leaving the house part is coming soon!

And because we're still pregnant, a couple preggy shots.
Here I was last Saturday.

And here I was last night, enjoying my daily bowl (or 2) of ice cream

Lovely, huh?!

I talked with out littlest girl and we've decided that she'll come either Monday (Ides of March) or Wednesday (St. Patricks Day). We've heard not-so-good-things about the on-call doctor this weekend, that's why we're waiting. :)

Until then!

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