Monday, August 11, 2008

Four Corners

Our plan was to make the drive from Seattle to El Paso in two days. The first day went as scheduled, we made it to Salt Lake City and spent the night at Aunt Jeanne's.

But then on the second day we got a surprise... I've made the drive from Salt Lake to Clovis and El Paso 5 or 6 times (Matt usually flies), and for some reason I had stuck in my head that it's a 12 hour drive. But when we plugged it into the GPS it said it was a 16 hour drive. Then it all came flooding back to my memory. The very, very long day of driving to or from Salt Lake, even without a baby it's a long day! I guess I had blocked that part out and just made myself remember a 12 hour drive. Oopsie. :)

So we decided to make the best of it, because there is nooo way Addie would put up with 16 hours in the car in one day! On my drives back from Salt Lake I've always driven close to 4 corners, but since I've always made that trip in one very long day, I've never stopped. So we decided to stop and take it easy this time.

They charge $3 per person and have some booths set up for shopping and Indian Fry Bread (delicious!). It is definitely something to see and we're glad we stopped, but really the only thing to do there is take pictures. So we did. Lots of them.

So here is Matt on the way to 4 corners. You can tell he must be really tired because he never goes to sleep when I drive. I don't think he trusts me behind the wheel. I never said I was a good driver!

Here are the sleeping beauties. So cute!

I got this idea from a lady in our ward who has kids born in each of the four states. We're not that cool, but Matt was born in Colorado and Addie in New Mexico, so here is Matt, sitting in Colorado and holding Addie over New Mexico. I heard someone shout something (jokingly) about calling child protective services. If they only knew! :)

Put the booty to the states!

My style is to sit on the states, Matt's is to get on all fours.

Alexis didn't want to stop there, so we enjoyed her preteen attitude the whole time. Here she is doing the semi-pout with Addie on the bench.

I had to force her to let me get a picture and she wouldn't do it alone, so Addie came along.

It was worth the stop and we recommend it if you are close, but I don't think we'll be going back anytime soon.

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