Monday, March 3, 2025

Motivated Monday

I got a lot done today. Women’s conference is next Saturday, so we had a presidency meeting and I got done several women’s conference tasks. Alexis and I are hosting Jeanne’s baby shower on Saturday and I finalized plans and got done several tasks for that. We had some charges we shouldn’t have been charged on our trip so I made some calls and paid March bills and talked to Amy. 

We’re gonna have a full house on Saturday, so I made sure everyone knows to bring cute jams. 

I’ve been finding these glow in the dark ducks around and it’s taken me a few days to realize Alli hid them. I did this when my dad hid them for us too, it’s like since it was my thing first it doesn’t compute for me. 🤣 I finally told her I’ve been finding them and we got a good laugh. 

We ordered cabinets and carpet before Hawaii and the cabinets came in and the carpet was supposed to, but got delayed. Today they came to make sure we got all the right cabinets delivered and… we didn’t. So now we wait some more. 

I went to Marshall’s and dollar tree and Aldi while Delaney was at ballet. We’re looking for dresses and this was a no dog from Delaney. 

We’d like to do a family senior trip for Adi so we asked her for some ideas. In true Adi fashion, she made a slide show. Unfortunately, this will probably only be a weeklong trip, and several of her ideas required 20 hour flights. We decided we’d like a 5 hour or less flight for a weeklong trip. I kind of can’t believe we’re creeping towards senior’dom for our 3rd baby. Adi is awesome - responsible and smart and kind. What an exciting time!

Sunday, March 2, 2025


We helped bring some of Jeanne’s things from her mom’s house on Saturday. We’ll store them in our garage until Christian brings his truck up on Wednesday. I made shepards pie and better than shopping cake and we celebrated Christian’s birthday.  

Adi recorded us singing and it’s really cool but how do I get it to not say “cinematic” when I screenshot?  #oldladyprobs 
But actually I’ve had technically problems since I was a regular lady because it’s just so much. How can I be expected to keep up?

Bubba wanted to play Skull King and Adi won again. She’s having quite the run. I tucked Delaney in and admired her cute rat stuff Ellie gave her for her birthday. I had no idea any of this was even a thing, so I was v impressed. 🤣 So thoughtful and on the nose!

I had my alarm set for 7:00 this morning and Matt and I woke up and I thought, I’ll just close my eyes and Matt will wake me up in 10 minutes. And then I looked at my phone and it was 8:00! Fastest shower ever and because Adi had a ministering interview after church and also was playing the organ we took 2 cars. She did such a good job on the organ today too, I’m so proud of her. 

I made grilled cheese and tomato bisque for lunch and then we all had round 2 of cake and ice cream. We’re on a real ice cream kick. I finally won a round of Skull King and then we had to give kisses and loves till next week. 

We assured Jeanne that she’s welcome here anytime and she can just walk in and the basement bedroom is hers whenever she might want it. We had a fun weekend with them, and also I know she is hurting and missing her mom. There’s so much - coming home to visit will always look different now, she’ll never meet Ruby in this life, and that’s not even touching on the financial piece of everything. We are just trying to be a safe, loving, easy place to be. 

Matt and I also had the opportunity to FaceTime Cosette and answer some questions about The Family Proclamation for her Eternal Families class. It was really neat to hear her questions and hear Matt’s responses and express how I feel. There are so many hard things going on, so many people hurting and so many struggles and I am so very grateful for the gospel. 

We had a family walk and then a longer couples walk and that was a weekend. A Maryland weekend not a Hawaiian one and that just does not seem right. 😩