It’s our even birthday year, for everyone but Matt. Now Delaney is 12, bubba is 26, Frankie is 14, and Adi and Alexis will soon be 16 and 28 respectively.
We missed having friends over for dinner but we still enjoyed Alfredo and Adi’s yummy bread, then Oreo cupcakes that are a favorite.
Our spring breaks plans had been way up in the air, but we finally decided on Sunday to go ahead, with all the back and forth and thinking about spring break I was also hatching a bigger idea. We initially planned to be gone M-Sat, but the girls don’t have school the Monday after Easter either, so I looked at flights from Maryland to Orlando and they weren’t terrible, so I proposed to Matt that he fly down after work on Thursday and then we could spend Easter in Florida with my dad. Anyways, it looked like it would all work out and we lightly packed on Sunday.
Monday got off to a rocky rocky start, but we did finally get on the road at 11:30. With my eye still a little wonky I wasn’t sure if I could comfortable make the 12 hour drive in one day, then papa graciously offered to get us a hotel halfway. Otherwise we’d have just left Tuesday morning and I’d have had to suck it up or take breaks. I have to admit it was nice to split the driving up, though I’m way too cheap to do that regularly.
Anyways, more on spring break to come. But first: 🦀 ❤️ Especially following the horrific bridge collapse. All the Maryland love and prayers.

And this one that I screenshotted for papa. Bet.

And this one that I screenshotted for papa. Bet.