We bought bubbas cats (Dorothy and magnolia, or Dotty and Mags if you’re feeling frisky) a cat greenhouse while we were in NY, and D wanted to show bubba and jeanne the variety we have at our Aldi.
On Monday we went to the dentist where both Adi and Delaney received glowing reviews and Ms. Claudia didn’t know we had a Frankie. π€£ She was like, is this another daughter? - which is so funny because we’re at the dentist all the time, but I guess Frankie’s not. π€·♀️ Also, I have been so diligent in making sure they did all their breathing exercises and I was so happy they both looked so good. Because so many times they haven’t. Adi is on the 7th level out of 12 and D is on the 4th of 12. Someday we’ll finish and it will be so wonderful. Also, I found out that in January our dentist will no longer take our tricare dental, but then I realized that we’ve paid for all 7 of our orthodontia programs and we don’t really need to carry 2 dental plans anymore. Hallelujah.
That night we had a private party at the pool because some of our favorite Aussie’s - the King/Reynolds clan came to visit. Everyone brought food and we ordered pizza and it was so great for the hour and a half before the thunder hit.

Then the party moved to a house, so we walked over and gave hugs and promised to visit, which I reeeeally want to make happen. Maybe 2025 the Rays do Australia?
Then the party moved to a house, so we walked over and gave hugs and promised to visit, which I reeeeally want to make happen. Maybe 2025 the Rays do Australia?
I got the sweetest card from Helping Hands thanking the church for the food truck. We’ve got big plans for our service project in September and it’s so exciting and wonderful.
This morning I went over the girls camp packing lists with Adi and Frankie, we packed lunches, and then it was off to load up for girls camp. They were both so excited and nervous and happy and scared. All the prayers that all goes well.
Now Delaney is experiencing what no other of our 11-year-old children have experienced - 4 days as an only child. So far she says it’s weird but she doesn’t mind it. This morning we went to the $1 summer movie. We saw Lyle, Lyle Crocodile and I know now why we had never seen it.

After we picked up paint to refinish Frankie’s vanity that is moving to Delaney’s room and my moms old dresser that is going to Frankie’s room. I loved coming home to this Grove box on our porch. We do ❤️ the planet and we are trying to reduce our waste, especially plastics.

We got some pictures of our campers. They stopped at the Richmond temple which is so beautiful and I can’t wait to worship in.

All of my kids love fires. Like love love. I lit a candle today and D played for an hour, lighting birthday candles with it, playing with the wax, blowing them out. π€·♀️

We cleaned out Frankie’s vanity drawers and D scraped all the stickers off the mirror. Tomorrow we’ll sand and start painting!

Then she and Matt stripped and scraped the paint off the chair and took the cushion off. We’re trying our hand at reupholstering too. We’re selling her little vanity and our little business lady asked if she would keep the money from the sale or we would. We decided splitting it is a fair compromise.
After we picked up paint to refinish Frankie’s vanity that is moving to Delaney’s room and my moms old dresser that is going to Frankie’s room. I loved coming home to this Grove box on our porch. We do ❤️ the planet and we are trying to reduce our waste, especially plastics.
We got some pictures of our campers. They stopped at the Richmond temple which is so beautiful and I can’t wait to worship in.
All of my kids love fires. Like love love. I lit a candle today and D played for an hour, lighting birthday candles with it, playing with the wax, blowing them out. π€·♀️
We cleaned out Frankie’s vanity drawers and D scraped all the stickers off the mirror. Tomorrow we’ll sand and start painting!
Then she and Matt stripped and scraped the paint off the chair and took the cushion off. We’re trying our hand at reupholstering too. We’re selling her little vanity and our little business lady asked if she would keep the money from the sale or we would. We decided splitting it is a fair compromise.
I went to pick up the mail and it started raining on me, and Delaney and Matt were just putting their chair project away and D was already playing in the rain, so then we danced and Matt and I proved we still know how to skip and it was so fun.
And finally, some fireworks pictures from Mountain Fest that bubba sent.
My one boy! ❤️
And almost all my girls. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Finally, the coolest drone picture of Point Lookout. So beautiful!