Delaney and Ellie have been planning their double baptism forever. A new friend, maddy moved into our ward last year, and she’s also a January birthday, so a triple baptism it was.
We were joking on the way to the church and being silly. Delaney asked, seriously, about whoever is baptized second and third and if they’ll have all the sins in the water. Then I teased that we’d drain the water between each baptism, so it would take 3 hours.
We set everything up, and right before the baptism Delaney started saying she didn’t want to be baptized because she was bored. We prayed with her and her sweet primary teachers prayed with her.

Then Lexi came and said that Laney had told Chris she didn’t want to be at the church for another 3 hours. 🤦♀️ Dang it on my inappropriate jokes. I apologized and she cried with relief and anger, but still didn’t want to be baptized. We made it very clear to her that she didn’t have to be baptized, that it was her choice. And I really had to gut check myself to make sure I wouldn’t be upset with her if she didn’t go through with it. I was just praying the whole time. We finally decided since it was already past 10 that we would participate in the baptism and she could decide anytime.
We got through the talk and then while Ellie was singing d just lost it. I carried her out and we sat in the bathroom and cry together. We talked and I promised that i wouldn’t be mad, and neither would Heavenly Father. I also shared with her Anna’s baptism when she didn’t want anyone to see her. The baptism girls came in and everyone was preparing and d said she thought maybe she could do it if everyone left. So after maddy and Ellie, Bishop Darrow let everyone know that Delaney was nervous and she only wanted her family there. And that sweet girl walked right into the font and chose to be baptized. It was nerve racking and difficult, but we got through, and I’m chalking it up as a parenting win.
As soon as she came out of the water she was a different person! She was upbeat and cheerful and happy. She was confirmed, no problem. She didn’t eat anything afterwards, and we had delicious treats, but her stomach was torn up from her anxiety. As a side note - the next morning she was reading one of our many books about kids with anxiety. Sweet girl. Another cool thing - Addie and Frankie got to be the witnesses. 💕

It was so nice that so many people were able to celebrate her with us.

3 beautiful and happy girls.

We gave out invitations to all our neighbors, D’s teachers, and several friends. Kloe was the only one that came, but the success is in the invitation, so that’s ok.

These two! 😍

Since the moms did all the work planning, we had to get a picture of the sweet girls with their momma’s.

Bubba took this cute pic of Lu and Emmy.

Johnna and Denise are awesome primary teachers, and they gave wonderful talks for the girls. They gave them each a white towel so that was also sweet.

Charlene and my girls have a sweet relationship. Such lucky girls!

And one more because how many triple baptisms have you been to?