I woke up this morning to this:

That's my 40'something husband googling how to figure out Addie's rubix cube. A few minutes later and success!
Today was our dentist day. Always an adventure!
The littlest has 100% overbite. The middle has an ortho consult at the age of 7. And the biggest has a cavity. Wonderful. Never to be outdone, I need a root canal. It's not bothering me now, but sooner or later it will. Oooh to procrastinate or not! Another awesome thing is that we're 1 month away from paying off the boys braces. #orthodonticsforlife
More dental fun. 
I went last, and by that point D had tangled her slinky and was sad, so she laid on me and scowled while I got my teeth cleaned. I am a lucky lady. 
After the dentist we headed to the summer library program. We were 15 minutes late, but I thought it was an hour long program so it wouldn't matter too much. It turned out to be a 30 minute Where the Wild Things Are program, oops.
Look at me, 3:00 and already got a blog in! The girls are doing their daily homework and journaling so I had a few minutes.
As for yesterday, how about some baby awesomeness? Laura is laneys primary teacher and she sent me this. She so crazy!
Matt picked Dan up from D.C. on Friday and brought him to stay the weekend with us. Yesterday my whole crew took him back home via the temple. I picked Katie up after church and after my bishops meeting, and we went out for some church birthday visits. We had a great visit on a porch, met another lady quickly, found one had moved, and dropped two gifts/cards. Then I had about an hour and a half at home alone, which is always heavenly. Lex needed a neighbors address for thank you cards, and I hadn't gotten the mail in a long time, so I took a leisurely stroll and walked up to the white house on Pensive street, the one we've lived and loved in for the past 8 years with such a full heart. What a nice looking, happy home it's been for us. I'm so full of gratitude for it and all the blessings we've enjoyed here.